Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

I got a hold of a red marker...
Photo on 4-27-18 at 10.33 PM #2.jpg

I colored my hair with it and it doesn't look that bad...
(you really cant tell i did anything to my hair in this picture though...)
I have had the craziest day!
we went down in a creek and found a black bag that was very suspicious... We though we had found a dead body!
We went back down with my mom and took pictures... we sent it to our dad and he sent it to one of his friends which was a cop.
So my dads friends cop friend said we should call the police and have them investigate it...
So we did...and they came... we were so nervous! It turns out the bag was full of mud and trash... but the officer said we did do the right thing to report even though it wasn't anything major...
The officer also said she would get why we could've mistaken the bag of trash for a body because she even though it could've been a body...

Oh but I did ride in the back of a cop car... its quite small!.... :lol:
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