Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

Sooooo hiiii. I only know you by one screenshot that Sarah sent me, and I believe it had something to do with pregnancy. :lau

Oh my goodness. SARAH!!
Well I hope you had a lovely first impression.

She is in big trouble

No, I found it funny. You doing like somebody I'd be best friends with. :lau

We were talking about girl stuff. Thank you Sarah, for sharing that with everyone. apparently we’re unabashed.
Hey, I'm a girl. You should have seen a conversation I was having with Sarah and Savannah the other night. -.- all the girl stuff under the moon got discussed. You want screenshots of THAT? :lau
No, she does not. °¬°

SARAAAAAAH GET YOUR SELF OVER HERE! She's been avoiding me for a few days I think....I started interrogating her. :lau
I do not do this avoiding. :plbb
It's called involuntarily hiatus. :3

Oh for heavens sakes :gig Sarah, get over here and explain yourself with your many long large words.

That girl has the volabicary of a parrott. :0

She loves her dictionaries. She called me and my friends unabashed. I like that word. It means not ashamed or embarrassed.
My dictionaries are to me as Star Wars is to Zelda.

I love big strange words too. Like evensce. It means to fade.

Oh, and if you happen to see Sarah, tell her I’m not happy that she’s sharing stuff out of private conversations. Not mad at you tho :)
The only reason I sent Cuz- and Cuz alone- a screenshot was because we were having an extremely similar coversation coinciding at the same time with the one on here. But, I'm sorry, I should be asked you first. :oops:

Her name is Sarah. :3


And all the kids cried out “please stop you’re scaring me!”
The memory trip. :lau

Well. :p His name's Gatlin! :yesss: :wee :p
.....and then it wasn't....:lau

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