True Ameraucana: How many wks old to lay eggs?

True Ameraucanas come in a few colors, and do not have green legs. MMcM has had Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas. The EEs tend to start laying eggs sooner, and produce better, than the purebreds. My few purebred Ameraucanas started laying at ELEVEN MONTHS of age, and produced for one year. Not so good, although they were beautiful. Mary
True Ameraucanas come in a few colors, and do not have green legs. MMcM has had Easter Eggers, not Ameraucanas. The EEs tend to start laying eggs sooner, and produce better, than the purebreds. My few purebred Ameraucanas started laying at ELEVEN MONTHS of age, and produced for one year. Not so good, although they were beautiful. Mary
..and do not lay green eggs.
I have two Ameraucanas that began laying at about 24 weeks. They laid beautiful blue eggs until about a month ago when the days got shorter and they have both stopped laying. I added some light in my coop about a week ago and hope they will start laying again--no eggs yet tho.
I too have 2 Ameraucanas that started laying at 22 weeks old and they started to lay us 1 blue egg each day for a good while (maybe like couple weeks) then the last 3 days here they have not laid 1....I know they won't lay every day (i have been told) but i am hoping they are ok bc its been 3 days now and no blue eggs!! lol I got used to them laying every day ;)
I have an EE who is 26 weeks and hasn't laid yet, and an Ameraucana of unknown age who is younger than my EE and hasn't laid yet either. The days are getting shorter here, and the roosters are crowing later and later each morning. Might need to get some lights in the coop so I can make sure those young ladies lay some colorful eggs this year. We're renovating a shed we were given, adding a run and getting it ready for the flock to make the big move. I lost almost half the flock to a fox, so we're going to do less free ranging and gave them a very large run in the new set up. Anyone have an opinion about whether I should wait until the girls start laying to move them to the new coop or not?
I have an EE who is 26 weeks and hasn't laid yet, and an Ameraucana of unknown age who is younger than my EE and hasn't laid yet either. The days are getting shorter here, and the roosters are crowing later and later each morning. Might need to get some lights in the coop so I can make sure those young ladies lay some colorful eggs this year. We're renovating a shed we were given, adding a run and getting it ready for the flock to make the big move. I lost almost half the flock to a fox, so we're going to do less free ranging and gave them a very large run in the new set up. Anyone have an opinion about whether I should wait until the girls start laying to move them to the new coop or not?
It's been my experience that Easter Eggers tend to lay earlier and better if kept on a higher protein feed than layer feed.
Do any of you have true ameraucanas and can tell me about how old they were when they started laying? Mine is 22 weeks and I want to know when I can start hoping for a blue egg!

Glad I came across this! Mine are 22-wks and was wondering that myself! Out of 8 breeds I have, They're the only ones that haven't laid! My BCM's started laying at 17-wks!

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