Trying to change the ordinance in Amsterdam (upstate), New York

I apologize for the delay: the last Common Council meeting was to "introduce the proposed ordinance change and get it on the books". The actual vote will be occurring tomorrow night.

I'll let everyone know how it goes!
I attended the Common Council meeting last night and unfortunately my proposed ordinance change did not pass.

My Alderman commended me for my efforts, but stated that he received many calls from other residents who voiced their opposition. There were two members of the public who spoke at last nights meeting, including the Dog Warden. Both of them stated there opposition - citing common themes that the misinformed bring up (chickens getting loose and biting my kids, chickens will spread E. Coli).

In the end I am a bit surprised I had 100% "no's" to the vote, but at least it was a good learning experience and my Council diplomatically allowed this whole process to go forward. Who knows, in a few years maybe the public will be a little more open-minded and informed and I could try again....

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