Trying to find the most glorious beard of all the chickens. No prize, just for fun. Contest ends August 1st at 11:59 PM eastern time.

@Pinfold , what is in the mix on Zoe?
That barred beard is too cool! :)

@Ihavesomechickens not trying to thread hog, I just gotta know.
Im a lover of hens and roos with all the bells and whistles so a barred one is too good not to ask about. 🌷
It’s fine. Your not thread hogging, your asking questions. Perfectly fine with me.
The silver ones are... well silver XD.

Judges, just one rating for the rooster pics and one for the hens. It'd be too confusing otherwise LOL.
Sorry for the photobombing Bielefelders.

One pic is my D'anver, Pip, currently broody on three eggs. All going strong!
The silver roosters look like color mixes.
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Chicken beards!!!! Yay!
This is Salt, an araucaner (Yes, there is also a Pepper who looks a lot like another contestant named Pepper. Might send a picture of later.)

Salt likes to show me where the deficiencies are in her chicken enclosure. Her beard helps her bring her sassy attitude across.

Her beard fluffs toward the back of her head a bit as well, giving her that beardy over the shoulder come hither stare...or she is saying "whaddya lookin at!" Either way, we love her and all the 'tude!


I didn't crop the pictures, sorry. You might have to zoom in. I might consider beard primming next time as well!
Chicken beards!!!! Yay!
This is Salt, an araucaner (Yes, there is also a Pepper who looks a lot like another contestant named Pepper. Might send a picture of later.)

Salt likes to show me where the deficiencies are in her chicken enclosure. Her beard helps her bring her sassy attitude across.
View attachment 2251741

Her beard fluffs toward the back of her head a bit as well, giving her that beardy over the shoulder come hither stare...or she is saying "whaddya lookin at!" Either way, we love her and all the 'tude!

View attachment 2251751

I didn't crop the pictures, sorry. You might have to zoom in. I might consider beard primming next time as well!
8/10 :love

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