Trying to keep chicks identified...

I specified all females. And if they make a mistake I get a replacement. I wouldn't mind a rooster but my boyfriend is not a fan of the crowing. If one does turn out to be a male, I'll probably talk him into keeping it by the time we know for sure.
They're here!!!! Actually pretty easy to distinquish from each other, it's just the mystery chick that is bothering me. Looked at all the breeds it could be and the only one it looks like to me is a Sicilian Buttercup...or maybe another easter egger. Guess I gotta wait a few more weeks to be able to tell for sure...
My favorite method of identifying chicks is plastic hair bands that come in assorted colors and sizes. The smallest is about 1/4" in diameter. This size is only good for about eight weeks, and then you'll need to remove them before they get too tight. Even though they stretch, I've had a band constrict leg growth. I move to the next size up which is about 1/2". By the time that size starts getting tight, I remove them because the chicks have almost fully grown and have developed individual characteristics that make it easy to tell who's who.

It is definitely desirable to identify each chick by some method in order to monitor individual health and well being. If one should begin to act sick, you will want to be able to tell which one it is to follow its progress. Naming chicks is the least of the reasons for banding them.

By the way, that wing sexing doesn't work with all breeds. I wing-sexed my Buff Brahma chick Izzy three months ago when she hatched from an egg. I was thrilled to see the double row of uneven sized feather buds. However, Izzy is developing unmistakable rooster features that are impossible to deny. She's definitely a "he".
Chickens, even of the same breed, actually look distinctly different from each other. With seven chicks, especially since you are getting an assortment, you should be able to tell them apart without bands.

But a dab of quick drying nail polish on the claw works well. Just don't use red shades.
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They're here!!!! Actually pretty easy to distinquish from each other, it's just the mystery chick that is bothering me. Looked at all the breeds it could be and the only one it looks like to me is a Sicilian Buttercup...or maybe another easter egger. Guess I gotta wait a few more weeks to be able to tell for sure...
If you post a picture here or on the what breed thread- people might be able to help you.
Yea I am sure we could help u out with ur little mystery chickie
you don't need to do anything you will identify them when they are older, but if you won't to tell the sex it's easy pull out their wing and look at the feathers sticking out if there is two rows of different sizing it's a female if it has one row of straight it is a male enjoy your chicks and have lots of fun with them while there young
That is an idea but hard for a beginner and only works on newer chicks not later.Ive read day old.
Maybe im wrong ive tried this before more than once and wasn't certain on some.Think you may have to have a very good eye.

The food coloring...I have tried it too.Not completely successfully though
I have ,hatched Lav Ams,Lav Orps(which look very much alike but for the cheek fluff ) and Lav EEs and put them together

I tried to mark them with blue or green food color but it really didn't show up well at all .Maybe I needed more . or lighter not so heavy color? Anyway After a few days... gone
Any tricks to it?
I wanted to use a brighter color like red or pink but was afraid the others would think it was blood and peck the poor red marked chicks
so i look closely at the differences and they do have some but very small.Yo u have to really study them for a while to find any.

Oh and photos of your new chicks is a SUPER GREAT idea!!
I almost didn't recognize my laced Brahma chicks when hatched in the bator as such until l looked back at old pics of the parents when babies
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I have pics of the chickies, and any input on the mystery chick(Buttercup) would be great! Thank you everyone for the identity advice, but they all look so different, that I have managed to tell them apart from day one.

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