Trying to live on McDonalds Chicken Nuggets

Agreed, this isnt a "starving country" issue at all... this article had nothing to do with that at all... makes no sense to even compare the two...
That parent was for SURE neglectful in feeding her child as she was growing up...
Shame... :/
its an issue of how ridiculous people are (you)... so upset over a child/young adult eating chicken nuggets... my oh my that is neglect they should def. take the child and place it in a foster home immediately , parents should be taken to court for mcnugget abuse on this poor neglected girl. lol you guys are so funny
Thats okay, been called worse,.. and actually deserved it too! :gig
On this case?? Nah... In MY opinion its neglect..
You dont have to agree though.. to each their own opinion.. Thank God for the USA.. :thumbsup
OK, I stand corrected. The people in Haiti are eating cookies made of dirt, salt, and vegetable shortening. I was not aware of that. Thank you for educating me.

But people starving in poor countries has nothing to do with this story about the British girl. If you live in a country where you have access to food and you only feed your 2-year-old child meat, that child will starve to death. And yes, it is illegal in western countries. And yes, governments do take children away from parents who do things like not provide children with an adequate diet.

You cannot compare this to Haiti, the poorest country in the Western hemisphere, where people do not have access to enough food.

Have you previously heard of a parent in Western Europe, Canada, or the United States where a parent only fed a child meat?

I did not intend to start a debate. I only posted the story because I thought it was very unusual, and it was difficult to believe someone could live so long mostly eating chicken nuggets.
Is it really illegal to allow your child to eat mostly meat products?

I know up in Cleveland a boy was taken away from mum for being to fat.Other than that I have not heard of child diet police.

We go about once a year to fast food.Got some extra sauces for the fridge,but tossed them when I saw the extremely long chemical ingredient list.Now we do get pizza often,so please don't tell me anything bad about eating pizza.

I read about the mud pies before.Darn shame all that money collected for the country after the earthquake went to scammers and not for the people who really needed help.

As for the girl eating nuggets atleast the mum could have gotten some gummi vitamins in the kid.
its an issue of how ridiculous people are (you)... so upset over a child/young adult eating chicken nuggets... my oh my that is neglect they should def. take the child and place it in a foster home immediately , parents should be taken to court for mcnugget abuse on this poor neglected girl. lol you guys are so funny

So it's ok that this child has never once tasted an apple or a carrot or some homemade food? It's ok that she collapsed due to nutritional deficiencies at age 17?? If her mother cares so little about what she feeds her child then it makes me wonder what other areas of her life she is neglecting. What's ridiculous is that you don't think this is unacceptable.
Sorry but it is very niaive of any of you that you suppose this is a one off! Let's at least be honest. There are people living on totally inadequate diets throughout the western world. This has nothing to do with availibility of food. If this girl attended school for example, the food she ate there would never have included McDonalds Chicken Nuggets! If there weren't millions of people living on inadequate diets there would not be the growing obesity problem! If every child who had a feckless parent was taken into care, an awful lot of children would be disappearing from their homes! I would hazard a guess that this is a case where the child, at the difficult age of two, when they often start to refuse food they have previously eaten with relish, was given Chicken nuggets. She ate them, and the parent, foolishly, many would say, delighted that she had a least eaten something, continued to provide them for her. I bet this has esculated from that situation. It is an extreme case, but I defy any mum to say that if she is worried about how little her child eats, she has not given in and provided the unwise food that they will eat! Is this not just an extreme case?
Yes, this is an extreme case with the British girl. That is the whole point.

If you only eat meat you will get scurvy and die. So a parent who was only feeding a child meat in the United States or other countries like Great Britain might have that child taken away before the child died.
It is an extreme case, but I defy any mum to say that if she is worried about how little her child eats, she has not given in and provided the unwise food that they will eat! Is this not just an extreme case?

my daughter went through a phase when she would not eat anything except mashed potatoes. Nope, did not give in. Did not offer the "only thing" she would eat at all. Partially, I will admit, that was because my grandmother threatened to kick my butt if I gave in to her. The pediatrician agreed with my grandmother. They were both right, even though it did take until late the second day before she ate. *gasp* Yes, I was worried, but I knew that giving in would only make the problem worse.

Giving in still wouldn't have been the same as only letting her eat mashed potatoes for the next 15 years either. Common sense tells you that you can't live on only 1 food source for that long. Shoot, even cattle have access to different kinds of grasses. Why? Because different plants have different nutrients in them.

There have been a few cases already of children being removed from the home due to obesity as well. I would say that this is an even more severe problem than that.

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