TS/Hurracane Kyle


11 Years
Aug 8, 2008
Rochester,New Hampshire
It has been raining now for 3 days...My poor silkies are looking a bit scruffy... they lost their poof do because the plastic on the run leaks... I need to change the roof line on the run so the water will run off to the side and not into the run... I am thankful that Kyle was further out to sea when he went past New Hampshire and has just dumped rain with out heavy winds... We have had close to a foot of water and are on a flood watch...
I know how you feel. After Gustav, and then Ike, it felt like we'd never dry up. My poor Silkies looked like drowned rats. But it's been dry and the weather here's been beautiful for the past week and a half or so. So, see, it gets better. Thank goodness you didn't get all the wind to go along with the rain. That's not fun... Good luck. Those Silkies will be dry before you know it.

In the past we have been flooded - many times. In the desert you can imagine. Long story short: At Disneyland, kids phones are ringing "COME HOME ITS A STORM", I'm thinkin teenagers are dramatic. Then my phone rings. Snow storm, the pass is probably closed. We left, we drove, hit snow half way up - so bad you couldn;t see a thing. One of kids says "What are we? In Fargo??"

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