TSA has need to frisk a 6 year old!

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In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 13, 2011
Did you guys hear about that? Its bad enough that adults get frisked, but a small child? And, why did the agent need to put a hand inside the waist band?
They run people through those scanners and then there is the need to frisk them too?
Your thoughts on this.

I think if we didnt protect our airports, and someone blew up ANOTHER plane. Folks would complain that the govt wasnt doing enough to protect us...
So.... even though i HATE it.... i'd rather be safe.
I guess..

And yes, those kooks DO use children ALL the time, for their wacko plans... so kids need to be checked out too...sadly.
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The problem is that the TSA does not protect our airports. They protect their jobs, and that's about it.

Example- the full body scanner doesn't see through folds of skin, body cavities, or through leather underwear for that matter. Those have been standard smuggler spots for decades. As a result, those scans will not stop a real professional terrorist; all they do is irradiate innocent people, take away our freedom, privacy, and dignity, and divert billions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man-hours from actual security.

I could go on and disassemble every other TSA process for you, but I won't. Just remember- they barely bother with commercial cargo and the postal mail that is carried in the holds of passenger airliners, because that isn't visible to the public. They only focus on the most public aspects, so that we will think they're doing something.

(note: I fly 80 to 100k miles per year, so I have spent a lot of time being frisked, scanned, delayed, and watching what is actually going on; I'm not making this stuff up)
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Evil will find a way no matter what we do. The people that manufacture those
machines that xray and see everything make money on FEAR. Do you really think
they make you safer. Everytime you fly you hear the safety speech about flotation
seats, oxygen masks and seatbelts. When planes crash you're smashed potatoes,
why do they do it then? Lawyers. Once in the code society is stuck forever dealing with
it. Anyway a couple of people at the top decided to make a deal, now we are stuck with being
zapped all the time. It's really stupid common sense makes no sense anymore.
My 99 year old grandmother got frisked too. I hate to be cynical but its true, just follow
the money trail and everything becomes clear.
That speech isn't just for legal liability; it really can make all the difference.
People do survive plane crashes, and the flight attendants are well trained to help you survive. I've been through a version of flight attendant training twice at Delta headquarters in Atlanta; (a special thing they did for some frequent fliers) I've opened exit doors, slid down the slide, done a water ditching, used the oxygen mask, etc.; and I heard stories from flight attendants about safe evacuations. Pay attention next time you hear the speech, it is for real.

Michael Chertoff is the former head of the Dept. of Homeland Security. He now owns a lobbying firm, and his biggest client is RapiScan, who makes the full body scanners. They are paying him big money to use his connections to sell those machines.
You are probably right about the speech, but at least they could cut out the part about
the seat belts. I do apologize about the minimizing the good work the flight attendents
do when I'm really irked with the scanning devices and the few taking advantage of horrible
actions of terrorists. We all want to be able to travel safely
but I hate being taken for ride.

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