TSC "assorted" buff bantams 2wks, dif gender or dif breed?


In the Brooder
Mar 24, 2015
I have 5 buff bantams listed as "assorted". They are 2 weeks old. Differences are starting to emerge but I do not know if the differences indicate a different breed of bantam or pullets/cockerels. They are all pretty much the same buff color but 4 have tails and one not so much. Of the 4 with tails, 2 are vaulted shaped (like a peaked rook) and 2 are flat across. The 2 vaulted tails are the bigger chicks. The 2 with the flat tails and the 1 with barely any tail yet are smaller. Anyone have any idea if these tail/size differences indicate gender or breed-type differences?

Here is the small chick with barely any tail:

Here is a small chick with a flat tail:

And here is one of the bigger chicks with a vaulted tail:

Any brainstorming welcome! Don't worry, I won't hold you to any predictions :p
Often pullets feather out faster than cockerels. So that would make chick number one your cockerel.
Is it possible to get so lucky as to have 4 pullets and 1 cockerel from 5, randomly selected straight run chicks?? Thanks for replying :)
Cockerels do tend to feather slower than pullets, but that isn't very reliable. It is too young to tell gender with your chicks.
Yes, it is possible. I ended up with 5 hens and 1 roo from a mixed batch of TSC Bantams two years back. I lost my roo to a hawk, so of course this year chicken math kicked in, and I didn't make it out of TSC without a new batch of six. I'll see how this set goes, but so far I think I might only have two roos. One is way behind the others on feathering, so is most likely a roo.
So envious, I ordered bantams and 90% learned to crow. I'm in agreement that the first is probably a boy, based only on tail growth. Hope you get some very sweet girls!

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