TSC Chicks 'barred rocks pullets' one with five toes?!UPDATED PICS!

One of my TSC "barred rocks" has feathered out like the dark brahmas but with a darker head and more brown than dark brown on the body (sorry, no picture handy). She's the friendliest one, so as long as she lays an egg once in a while I'll be happy with my fuzzy little mutt!

I think it's reasonable to expect that people informed enough about chickens to have preferred breeds have also discovered that TSC may not be the best source for them. I hope so, anyhow. It would be sad for their first chick experience to be disappointment/frustration!
No, not the stores fault, or the employees, they did everything they could. Faverolle in the mix is cool. I cant wait to see what they grow to be. I am trying to downsize to just EE's and amerecaunas but am failing miserably...
Our TSC sold mystery chicks called "commercial black pullets" and trying to figure out what the recipe was in making them has been almost impossible. I do not think they came from Townline, as per usual. Mt Healthy, apparently, was the source for many of these. Even a phone to Mt Healthy did not provide answers. I picked up 4 of them and they outgrew the Barred Rocks by two to one. Had they been traditional Black Sex Links, I'd have been fine with them, as I've had them before. But they were large, forward and way too overwhelming for the BR. I just gave them away last night. Lots of buff came in on the chest, the head stayed dark brown, lots of lacing on the wings and back, legs were a strange combination of green, yellow and some black wash.


There are 6 breeds that have 5 toes and your chick could be a cross of any one of them.

I will also add the they don't look like Barred Rocks but they could be a Barred Rock cross and with the White spot on the head I tend to think that they are Sex-links, if that is the case then they are all roosters.

I have a BR/silkie cross and she's a great broody! She's also my husband's favorite. For some reason she bonded to him and whenever he goes in the coop she gets on his foot and won't move until he picks her up. She also has super soft feathers that just make you want to pet her all day. She is barred (but blurrier than a pure BR) and has the top knot and 5 toes on each foot. Her feet are yellow instead of black. I don't know how true it is, but an oldtimer told me once that silkie cross pullets have yellow legs and roos have black legs.
Ack! Roosters! That might make me mad..... I think i hatched an inordinant amount of them already this year! Thank you for the list of five toed breeds thats very helpful, I didn't know there were so many. Perhaps i will never know. I like the sound of that silkie cross. My kids love them. All the possibilities...i love chickens!
if they are crossed, they can come in other colors,

I was agreeing with you... I also mentioned it was likely a cross. I realize they come in other colors when they are mutts, but it looked like a previous poster was asking for some clarification/verification on Salmon Faverolles in general thought maybe I could help!
Hi Everyone, ready for another go on these? Thanks!



another photo of this dark one.


And there are two that look like this one, he other one is a tiny bit less white in the breast.

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Fred's Hens :

Our TSC sold mystery chicks called "commercial black pullets" and trying to figure out what the recipe was in making them has been almost impossible. I do not think they came from Townline, as per usual. Mt Healthy, apparently, was the source for many of these. Even a phone to Mt Healthy did not provide answers. I picked up 4 of them and they outgrew the Barred Rocks by two to one. Had they been traditional Black Sex Links, I'd have been fine with them, as I've had them before. But they were large, forward and way too overwhelming for the BR. I just gave them away last night. Lots of buff came in on the chest, the head stayed dark brown, lots of lacing on the wings and back, legs were a strange combination of green, yellow and some black wash.


I have 3 of these (I think) from TSC. They seem to be growing at the same rate as my BR's. The one below is about 3wks old. did yours look like this when it was younger?


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