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I have actually heard a hybrid of what we should refer to as “lynch sexing” where the farm store employee said pullet chickswould pull their feet up against their body while cockerels would let their legs hang straight down. :thHe demonstrated and I said that’s cool and all but I don’t want that chick now:barnie
Yes its an ol wives tell that's been around forever.
Another twist on it that I used to see used on turkeys but am now seeing it with chicks also is to hold them upside down on their backs and its said females will pull their legs up to the body and freeze while the males will kick like crazy with one or both legs.
I tried it two years in a row with two poults each year.
First year it was 10% wrong and the second 100% right so ya that one is 50% correct too.
Wait, first was 10% wrong (so 90% correct) and second was 100% correct? I like those odds.
Lol, but knowing TSCs employees reputations they'd probably end up hitting the chick in the head with the coin.
DD wants to work there, if her school/4H/etc schedule ever settles down ... hah! I don't think she'll ever bring home a paycheck (too many temptations) but at least they'd have someone who knows what's what with their peeps for a few hours a week!
Yes its an ol wives tell that's been around forever.
Another twist on it that I used to see used on turkeys but am now seeing it with chicks also is to hold them upside down on their backs and its said females will pull their legs up to the body and freeze while the males will kick like crazy with one or both legs.
I tried it two years in a row with two poults each year.
First year it was 10% wrong and the second 100% right so ya that one is 50% correct too.
Waymaninit! (DS's "Wait a minute!") The first year got 10% right out of two poults. Is this another of those "5 out of 4 people have trouble with Math" statistics?
:lau :confused: :lau
In all my years with chickens, I think I've probably tried most of those old wives tales. My opinion is that they're 100% nonsense. :old And after reading the hundreds of posts from people who have had TSC goof up on their chicks.... well, I'm sure there are exceptions, but I think it's definitely buyer beware if you get chicks from them. :rolleyes:
Nonsense? Yup! Fun? ... for everyone but the chicken ... yup!

EDIT to add:
But being "fun" for some people is NOT a good reason to do it. There ISN'T a good reason to do it ... EVER!
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What Dummies
Yup - but the "Dummies" aren't the employees ... they're the management that puts untrained staff out there where they can harm both the livestock ... and the firm's reputation. Point in fact ... we know that the problem is widespread and that the reputation is widely accepted, because we are all here acknowledging and laughing/deriding the company over it. You'd think that someone in management would be paying attention, by now!
I have never heard of a more ridiculous way of sexing anything. Sure had a good laugh though. Goes with making a face when the wind changes and it will stay like that, or crusts on bread make your hair curl...load of nonsense. People don't think much these days though, I'd like to sell them all a bridge.
Ummm .... where can I get a load of bread crusts? ....
I have actually heard a hybrid of what we should refer to
I was in Atwood's over the weekend. I ran in to grab a few things I needed while I was next to the store instead of driving home and then to my regular feed store. I could hear the distressed peeping several aisles over and when I got into the poultry section quickly went from concerned to incensed as I watched a woman (not an employee) dangling chicks upside down by their legs for a rapt audience of employees and other customers as she demonstrated how to accurately sex them. The males apparently curl up and the females just dangle there. I just grabbed what I needed and left before I was asked not to shop there anymore.
Good for you! And I'd go back, anyway!
Kind of like in the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou", I live in a small town in Southside VA that is a geographical oddity (20 miles from everywhere). We have three TSC stores in our area and in two the poor chicks are probably mistreated/neglected. But in the other one, the chicks appear to be treated very well and cared for in a humane manner. For this reason alone, I do all my shopping (Chicken feed, Dog food and Cat food) at the latter one.
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