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I edit my responses all the time because of a typo, but never clarify that. So many of you do. Is that a sort of unspoken rule I don't know about? Just curious.
I edit a bit because I'm a hillbilly speller and don't proof read my posts.
IDK why but if I catch it because someone commented or quoted it I add the "edit" part otherwise I don't.
I just grabbed what I needed and left before I was asked not to shop there anymore.

Why were you asked not to shop there?

I left before I was asked to not shop there. Because I was about to go off on a random customer. It would not have been pretty. I was hot and sweaty after moving a chicken coop and run onto a trailer and still had to get back home to get it set up. Basically I was avoiding being snappy. I like teaching, but the situation that would have arisen would have just been me being rude because I was in a terrible mood.
So I went into a TSC in south Louisiana just to see if they had chicks yet, and they did. I walked over to see what they had and thank god they didn’t have any breeds I wanted. Anyway, another customer is there and she is buying about a dozen straight run Black Australorps. The see the employee picking each chic up by the head between his two middle fingers and letting the chicken hang for a few seconds, then he throws the chic in the box to be purchased. After that show was over, I asked the employee why he is hanging the chics by the head? He replied, “That’s how you tell the boys from the girls. The girls will just hang there and the boys will struggle and try to scratch you”.

So I wanted to say: You just picked up at least twelve random chicks out of a straight run bin and they were ALL pullets?

But i didn’t ask, I just left the store thinking I can’t wait to post this experience on BYC! I have to ask, has anyone ever heard of sexing a chick by the “lynching method”?
i saw a video on sexing chicks that way
Perhaps I should have also mentioned that for the most part in stores like Tractor Supply, Atwoods, and other feed stores I appear to be out of place, for lack of a better term. The manner in which the young man was described earlier in this thread (he thought they were icky and should work at Starbucks) is how I feel most people look at me when I am in environments like that. Of course I don't think the birds are icky and on multiple occasions I've taken "man cards" from snotty little redneck boys who don't know what something like j-clamps or j-clamp pliers are, but it doesn't mean that the whole time I'm there I don't notice people staring at me. That was another contributing factor to not wanting to confront or re-educate anyone. Which I suppose is rather sad on my part that the way people look at and treat me prevents me from dispensing knowledge to those who need it. That's one of the many reasons I enjoy BYC. I can post away without feeling like people are going to turn around to ask another associate if I'm gay, as if that somehow means that I don't have any business somewhere or that what I'm telling them isn't true. Which has happened multiple times when I've worked in pet store retail environments. Thankfully, it become obvious very quickly that I generally know much more than the rest of the staff or the customers so within months people are telling their friends to ask for me, or driving from hours away to get things from me. *shrugs*
Perhaps I should have also mentioned that for the most part in stores like Tractor Supply, Atwoods, and other feed stores I appear to be out of place, for lack of a better term. The manner in which the young man was described earlier in this thread (he thought they were icky and should work at Starbucks) is how I feel most people look at me when I am in environments like that. Of course I don't think the birds are icky and on multiple occasions I've taken "man cards" from snotty little redneck boys who don't know what something like j-clamps or j-clamp pliers are, but it doesn't mean that the whole time I'm there I don't notice people staring at me. That was another contributing factor to not wanting to confront or re-educate anyone. Which I suppose is rather sad on my part that the way people look at and treat me prevents me from dispensing knowledge to those who need it. That's one of the many reasons I enjoy BYC. I can post away without feeling like people are going to turn around to ask another associate if I'm gay, as if that somehow means that I don't have any business somewhere or that what I'm telling them isn't true. Which has happened multiple times when I've worked in pet store retail environments. Thankfully, it become obvious very quickly that I generally know much more than the rest of the staff or the customers so within months people are telling their friends to ask for me, or driving from hours away to get things from me. *shrugs*
That ROCKS! And you weren't letting anyone down by walking away from that particular battle. If you get the chance again, just let a manager know what happened ... probably when you ask which Starbucks Junior transferred to :D !
And to expand on your story ... I got to take a man-card from a snotty little goof at the hardware store a few weeks ago. He was telling me how to make a simple repair ... in a complicated, overly-expensive way which was the "only way" to do it right. I got my hardware and asked him if they still had the cases of "sailboat fuel" on sale out in the Garden Center. He wasn't sure, so I asked if he'd please check with his manager while I waited. He did! I wish I could have waited for the follow-up, but I snuck out before I fell on the floor, laughing. He was so serious! :he
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