TSC Lack-of-Label Woes


10 Years
May 8, 2009
So it's THAT question again. The "HELP, what did I buy?!" Question. Long story short I promised to sell some of my babies when they get to be a few weeks older. My mother is mainly interested in australorps and wants to make sure we keep a few (if, as TSC says, we did buy some.) I've been around to a good 8 or so FB chicken groups and I'm just not having much luck. Seems like the only people answering are those first timers who think anything black and white is a barred rock.


Baby A- TSC sold these to us as BAs. All three of them looked similar to each other but different from the rest of the "BA"s. I think SLW - have also been told GLW, JG, BSL, and BR.

another photo of Baby A

Babies B and C - bought from a local Co Op - assorted Polish bin. Would appreciate any ideas on color/gender.


Baby D - bantam, feathered feet

Baby E - bantam, clean feet

baby F - bantam, feathered feet

baby G - this is what most of the "Black Australorp" bin looked like.
Baby E looks like a brown leghorn and Baby B and C kind of look like a buff laced polish. The way you can tell with the polish is if they have a dark circle around their head located right under the crest. I am not positive about these though an I'm not sure about the rest.:D

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