TSC mystery bantam


5 Years
Mar 16, 2014
SE Michigan
This is my favorite little bantam of the half dozen we bought at TSC. It looks like a mix of silver and gold Sebright, with pure black laced white feathers between the shoulders, and gold and black mottled/laced on the wings. Little nubby rose comb, no color. It's the same size as a three day Narragansett turkey poult, about the size of a sparrow.

At three weeks old, anyone want to guess if my guess may be right, and whether pullet or cockerel?

I also say roo, my gold laced Seabright started developing his comb early on. The girls didn't get theirs till about 3 months of age. Good chance that the light colored feathers on the back will change or darken.

The one I was referring to is the one in my picture, he turned out to be very handsome!
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