Tube Feeding Ducks - Updated 5/7/2020

Coming to the expert's post to ask a question, as a first time tube feeder. My vet showed me how, and made it look easy. My drake even took it pretty well from him. But when I tried, he kept trying to regurgitate the tube, and shake his head, the way they do when something is stuck. (He's not really all that weak, considering the lack of food) He was actually successful one time. So now, more than anything, I'm worried remnants my have gotten to his trachea. I'm hoping not, but is there any way for me to tell?? Or when they are having that reflux, does the trachea naturally 'close up' to avoid such issues?

I know the tube was down the right side - I could see it. He's just a very stubborn boy - always has been. But he stopped eating his feed after a minor injury, so I need to get nutrients in him (per the vet). I'm just scared to death about getting the slurry mix into the wrong pipe.
Okay, that's good. Are you doing this by yourself or do you have a helper?
The first try was by myself. I straddled him to hold him in place, so my hands were free to feed - I read that somehwere, if you do it by yourself. Which I don't think I will try again by myself. But my husband had already left for work early. I'm guessing that will be game changer.
When I do it, I sit with my thighs parallel to the ground and them on my lap facing right (I am right-handed). I hold them tightly & close to my body with my left arm and keep their mouth open with my left hand. That leaves my right hand free to hold the syringe.

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