Tubes in ears


Flock Mistress
14 Years
Jan 12, 2007
Land of Lincoln
My five year old DD is expecting to have tubes in her ears Friday and she would be so disappointed that she can not go swimming this summer. I would love her to go swimming but isn't anything out there she can go ahead and swim with plugs in her ears. Her doctor does not recommend it.

She always had ear infections, heavy wax buildups and allergies to dust, pollen and yep, our beloved cat. As long she does not pet the cat or rub her face into it, she is ok. I am allergic to the cat too but as long no one fans the hairs, I'm good. If the cat sits on my lap it is ok but no petting...who can resist that beautiful Siamese cat!

I do not want to think the worse and I do not know she will come out of it. My neice had tubes in her ears for a long time until now, she was fine.

What is your experience in tubes in ears? Painful?
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My daughter had them when she was younger. We used earplugs and a neoprene (sp) headband type thing when bathing and swimming. In combination we didn't have any issues. Those headbands are sold right beside the ear plugs at Wal-Mart, Walgreens, ect. Don't buy the silicone ear plugs, as they're not as good as the other type(can't remember what they're made of). They should sell the good ones at the doctors office that's putting in the tubes. Painful? Didn't seem to bother her too much. She had some balance problems for a day or two, but they said to expect that. That being said, I would keep her off her bike or other activities that require balance until you're sure it isn't an issue. The procedure took less than 5 minutes. After she had them put in, she never had another ear infection, so they did work for her.
Yeah, my brother had them as well and he used the headband/earplug combo. The head bands come in all neat colors! He had no problems and one day they fell out onto his pillow. Hopefully it is just as easy for your daughter!
Hmm... My daughter had them two years ago and she was able to go swimming and tubbing in the lake with out any problems. She had to wear her ear plugs though, which she hated, even when she showered. She was also a little older than most kids when they get them, she was 9. She did have some pain and discomfort but she is also a child that doesn't handle pain very well... unless of course there is something she really wants than she seems to be able to do anything. She will be 11 on Thursday and hasn't had any problems at all.
Two of mine had tubes. The first doctor said to use the plugs (and clean, treated water like pools only) when swimming. The second doctor (different state) said the same about clean, treated water but he said that the plugs weren't necessary as any water that got in would drain out the hole, which was the whole point of having tubes and makes sense.

Either way, plugs or not, they both did fine and it's over VERY quickly. In fact, when the first one had them put in I was in a hospital I wasn't familiar with and it took me a few minutes to find the right waiting area. I sat down and they came and got me before I could even put my purse down. lol. Seriously, from the time I handed them both off, it was maybe 10-15 minutes before they were done and in recovery already.

If they give her that stuff to drink, she won't even remember the surgery at all. They did that with my first one but not my second, as they said it makes them take a little longer to be fully awake and that did seem to be true.

It did make their constantly recurring ear infections stop, so worth it!

Good thoughts coming!
Thank you all for the daughter LOVES swimming and I thought oh no, there goes her summer vacation no swimming!!!!!! I hate to see her cry and saying it is not fair when the other kids were in the pool.

I will take a look at those headbands and ear plugs.

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