Tubes in ears

This is what we used for my daughter for several summers so she could swim and it worked like a charm!

I still have my daughters (it is the pink one) if you would like it. I would be happy to send it your way (no charge) as I would rather it get some use than sit in a box or drawer.
I have had tubes 12 times thoughout my life and have always used the wax plugs and have never had problems with water getting in..
My Grandson is 4 and now his tubes are plugged again (4th time). Interesting that a doctor said ear plugs weren't necessary. Keagan is even supposed to use plugs for bathing and showering. It'd be great if he didn't have to use them.
My DD just got tubes, she's just a little over 4 yrs. old. Before they did the procedure she had her hearing tested. She had about 40% hearing loss in her right ear..the ear that was always the worse.
When they had me come into the recovery room I asked her how she was. She practically SHOUTED at me that she was fine.
I didn't realize that she was always so soft spoken because that's the way
she heard things. Her speech has improved immensely over the past couple of months. The tubes don't bother her at all. The kids are fine with the procedure...we're the only ones that are a mess!

My DD was very happy to tell her older brothers "I'm having surgery and you're not
LOL! My daughter got a 30% hearing loss in right ear and she has to constantly YELL or sing louder to hear herself. And she has to talk louder to hear herself talk too. We kept saying please lower your voice please and still gets louder. When hubby and I talk softly, she would keep saying huh huh huh???? Sounds like me!
My middle son had them when he was 4, after years of ear infections, hearing loss, and so many antibiotics that he started to develop allergies. The tubes were a lifesaver.

He did use earplugs for both bathing and swimming (pools), but that was years ago, so much may have changed.

He only got one ear infection after the tubes were placed, because the tubes got clogged. The doc stuck his little suction tube in there, and opened it right up. One round of antibiotics, and we were good again.

When he got colds, his ears would drain a little clear fluid, just like a runny nose, but not really noticeable.

The tubes lasted for years, and he only knew they had fallen out because he found it on his pillow. We didn't have to go through this more than once.
I hope it is not going to be a lifetime of wearing tubes.

I've seen some surgeries on this type and "tubes" I thought was more of a straw but it looks more like a button LOL!
Well in a few hours we will be heading to the hospital.

Man, I want to EAT but it would not be fair to dd if I eat in front of her. She would upset, that's for sure!

After surgery I hope she can eat something if she is up to it. My parents wanted to take us out to Chinese food for lunch but have to wait and see how she does after surgery.

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