Tubes in ears

It's not a swimming cap. More like a foam headband thing. They probably carry them at most pharmacy type places. I'm sure a store like walmart, rite aid, or walgreens might have them.
I remember my niece's always got her tubes worked out on its there a reason why they would come out? Does it mean a visit to the doc every time it slips out?

Okay I got the headband thingy but they do carry the silicone foam ear plugs. I am thinking of those plastic ear molds like they make for hearing aids but they do pop out when they get wet. So no go there. I do not see anything in his office that would carry those ear plugs. Maybe I should go to another specialist maybe a hearing aid specialist?
The ear plugs my brother used were like foam also. They were very squishy and just molded into the ear. You shouldn't have to go to a specialist for them. Most drugstores or swimming stores should have them. They are special for swimming though.
Ewe, my son (now 20) had to have 2 sets put in when he was 2 then 3) because they fell out. We used silly putty stuff in his ears and he swam all the time. My daughter didn't use anything when hers were in. I think they make a blue putty like stuff that they sell at sports stores. But we used regular silly putty too.
Two of my stepkids had tubes; I don't recall them ever using any sort of earplugs--and they all swam a lot. I do remember that one spoke about extreme pain when the tubes fell out.
My daughter got tubes in her ears in Jan. when she was 10 months old. We asked about swimming as she was signed up for swimming lessons and the doc said it would be no problem. She has been swimming every Saturday since early March. She goes completely underwater and has not had any problems. No ear plugs, no headband, nothing. In fact, she had a checkup yesterday and they looked in her ears and said the tubes look great. I would get a 2nd and/or 3rd opinion about it before you worry about getting headband/earplugs/etc.
DS had them when he was 13 months old, we went through monthly ear infections until then. Our PA told us he would have one more and then that would be that, and it was the truth. Waking up can be tough, they usually are just squawling their little eyes out, but its more from the anesthesia than pain. They really do work. He was at the spec. for a check up when he was just past 2.5 years I think, if I remember and the last one was just hanging so dr. pulled it out. Teeny tiny little bright green thing!

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