Tuits needed


Life is a Journey
12 Years
Jul 8, 2007
Woodville, MS
Does anyone know where I can order some tuits? And, do they come in any shape other than round?

I really, really need some of these all purpose wonders.
What's a tuit? Like, "when I get round-tuit?"
Yes - that's the ones. You know they must be an all purpose tool best I can tell because I hear people say:

I was going to wash my car today but I didn't get a round tuit.

I was going to clean my house but I didn't get a round tuit.

I was going to put in my fall crops but I didn't get a round tuit.

The list goes on and on so if I had some of those round tuits I could get soooooo much more done around here.

I have researched and researched and I can't find out who sells them. Maybe that's why so many other people aren't getting things done either - maybe they can't figure out where to buy them.
I haven't heard about the henways but here in the deep south, there's a lot of people needing round tuits.
Sooo....anybody know where I can get a few? I'm frantically running around cleaning, unpacking, cooking and organizing because I have 50 people arriving tomorrow for the holiday weekend and I really, really, really, need some of those tuits.

Does anyone do overnight shipping?
At one time I had some of the wooden tuits. I think I still have one or two left. Mine must have been old or used up cuz they didn't work. I still didn't get stuff done

edited cuz I can't spell
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