Turkey Behavior questions


10 Years
Apr 29, 2011
Northwest Indiana
My young Midget Whites are about 16 weeks old. I've starting noticing some "odd" behavior with them. I can't find anything on turkey behavior to decode what they're doing. Any insight would be helpful! Thanks!

One of the toms will come push up against me when I stoop down to say hello to them. He holds his head like he does when displaying, but he just pushes against me. Is he being friendly or is that a dominance thing?

The hen was putting her head under the wings of the two toms. The toms were pecking her in the head. Is that mating behavior or what are they doing?

Finally, they all got into a scuffle (never seen that before) and one of the toms actually starting stomping his feet on the ground like he was dancing. ??

My young Midget Whites are about 16 weeks old. I've starting noticing some "odd" behavior with them. I can't find anything on turkey behavior to decode what they're doing. Any insight would be helpful! Thanks! One of the toms will come push up against me when I stoop down to say hello to them. He holds his head like he does when displaying, but he just pushes against me. Is he being friendly or is that a dominance thing? He likes you lots. ;) If I sit still in one spot for a period of time, just watching the flock, my MW Tom, Sarge, starts that and if I don't push him away, he will try to mount my knee. The hen was putting her head under the wings of the two toms. The toms were pecking her in the head. Is that mating behavior or what are they doing? Possibly showing dominance. Finally, they all got into a scuffle (never seen that before) and one of the toms actually starting stomping his feet on the ground like he was dancing. ?? careful they do stomp on the hens' backs - called "treading" - when mounting them. Turkey love is ugly. That stomping Is another show of manliness. Thanks!
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Thanks for the answers!

At first I thought that pushing was kind of cute, but now it seems a bit creepy. Now I know why -- it IS creepy! LOL

Turkeys are really interesting and quite different than chickens. They're a lot of fun!

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