Turkey Crouch Meaning?


Jul 22, 2023
Southern Ontario
I think I already know what it means, I’d just like confirmation.

IMG_9346.jpeg IMG_9347.jpeg
She thinks I’m a tom, doesn’t she? AKA this is mating behaviour?

If that’s the case, this makes two birds who want me. Neither of which being the same gender. I am both a tom and a hen now.
Yes she thinks you're hot.
You're turkeys have imprinted on you and probably will treat you like a turkey.... this can cause problems
What sort-of problems? They hang out with my rooster and hen(chicken). Only have had them for a few months and not their whole lives. Both happy they like me but also, how do I politely reject her offer? When I said I wanted them to love me, I didn’t mean romantically. 😔
What sort-of problems? They hang out with my rooster and hen(chicken). Only have had them for a few months and not their whole lives. Both happy they like me but also, how do I politely reject her offer? When I said I wanted them to love me, I didn’t mean romantically. 😔
Aggression for pecking order is the biggest problem I have had. I tried everything suggested and ended up sending Jakes to freezer camp
Some people have had hens that wouldn't mate with the tom.
Yes, it’s mating behavior. A few of my hens always did that around me. I hand-raised those particular few, they imprinted, and ultimately viewed me as their mate.
What sort-of problems? They hang out with my rooster and hen(chicken). Only have had them for a few months and not their whole lives. Both happy they like me but also, how do I politely reject her offer? When I said I wanted them to love me, I didn’t mean romantically. 😔
The best way to address it is to just walk away from her. That’s what I used to do. Then they’d go about their business.

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