Turkey Hen with Growth on Neck or Waddle.....Pictures!!


15 Years
Jul 14, 2007
Stamford, CT
Ive got this Turkey Hen and she has this hard growth on her neck/waddle. Its odd because its sort of where the Tom has all those red bumps around his neck and similar to that...but she never had this before and it seems almost like its a cyst or some growth. Its got some black bruised type areas and its very hard except for one area, so Im unsure if its an injury or a growth. I took alot of pics of it and decided to leave it alone for a day or two and see if it changes. Should I see if there is anything to drain in it or get some antibiotics into her?

I just was wondering if anyone has ever seen anything like this


I've never seen anything like that. Does she appear to be in pain? Have you posted on the Turkey thread? maybe people who have Turkeys could help more. sorry I wish I knew.
Ive never seen anything like it. Now its all black, larger and hardening...Its removed from her neck itself...in the skin...so Im not going to go crazy and cut it or anything unless someone lets me know that its gotta come off.
I would have put this in Turkeys but in the past when Ive posted about trouble with my ducks in the duck thread its been moved here...so Ill leave it here and hope that this bumps it up...
How long has this been developing? Has there been any drainage at all, or bad odor? If it developed rapidly I'd wonder about infection (spider bite/suppuration around twisted up feather shafts). From the shots it looks like margins are well defined and pink. Either localized infection or tumor. Had a huge chondrosarcoma removed from our RP tom a few years ago (lower beak), but that was a closed tumor. The fact the growth is very hard and well defined seems to argue for tumor. If there is no vet school/vet in your area that could at least take a look at your pics, then you might consider starting her on injectable PenG and lancing the growth (on the off chance it is merely an abcess). For the meantime clean with betadine/water (1:10) and apply plain neosporin.

You might check our vet list to see if there is anyone in your area: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=200108

(over several months) of chondrosarcoma and surgery (not for squeamish): http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c331/IvanIvanovich/SCREAMER/

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