Turkey Housing


May 8, 2017
Upstate NY
Hello all. I was wondering if you could show me some of your turkey "houses". I have heard turkey's don't care to be cooped so I was wondering what everyone uses in the winter to keep them protected? I live in upstate NY where it gets very cold in the winter and I don't really have any tree coverage in my yard for them to roost. We were thinking of building a lean-to type open shelter. Predator's aren't too much of a concern with our three dogs and there are no woods directly around us.
This is helpful thank you! I have heard so many people say they won't go inside. I am thinking of just building them a tall perch or a lean-to with no sides, just a top and perches.
At the least put up a wall on the side the prevailing wind comes from. Turkeys need shade. protection from the wind and roosts. My roosts mainly consist of 4" diameter corral poles with the highest at 6' and others at lower levels to allow the turkeys to use them as sort of a ladder.

There are people that do coop their turkeys. They can be trained to go in the coop at night but it is a matter of training rather than them choosing to do so on their own.
I live in delaware county for years with narragansett turkeys. I cooped them in a run in shed that i chicken wired when they were young. In the fall they roosted in the trees and that was it. They never would go back into their shelter no matter how hard i tried to get them in there! In the dead of winter they would still roost in the trees and around the chimney of our house. Never lost any to the bitter cold winters in NY. Did lose a couple to the neighbors german shephards though.
In your situation with no trees, building them a roost could be a good idea but be prepaired to have them ignore it and instead roost on the roof of your house. Their funny like that and will search out the highest place to go. Although as they grow heavier they may use it not being able to fly so high up.
In your situation with no trees, building them a roost could be a good idea but be prepaired to have them ignore it and instead roost on the roof of your house. Their funny like that and will search out the highest place to go. Although as they grow heavier they may use it not being able to fly so high up.

This is helpful thank you! I have heard so many people say they won't go inside. I am thinking of just building them a tall perch or a lean-to with no sides, just a top and perches.
If youve never had turkeys before, youre in for a real treat! Great personalities.
It all started about a month ago. A friend of mine visited some of their friends who knows this guy who every year gets bored with the animals he has collected and gives them away. To make a long story short, she came home with 5 guinea fowl and 3 red bourbon toms and gave me one of the toms. I love this turkey.... he doesn't both anyone, you talk to him and he gobbles, and he doesn't leave the yard. He is so cool. I felt bad that he would be lonely once we butcher the two BBW turkey's we have so I found him two red bourbon hens. I have lost one hen and the neighbor brought the other back. I can't seem to keep this other hen home without confining her. So the other day at the feed store I bought 3 little red bourbon poults and I already love them. Much easier to handle than baby chicks. I just love the little whistle they make. Can't wait for them to be able to follow me around the yard.

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