Turkey is hurt


5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Hello my 6 week old turkey seems to have something wrong with his neck, he can't hold it straight and its tilted to one side, his vision also seems effected, it looks like he sees his food and water dish closer then what they really are and keeps missing. his balance is ok but he rather not walk but when he does his head is tilted, I have been helping him eat and drink, as far as I know he didn't get hurt to cause this kind of injury, what could be causing his head to tilt and how can I help him?
Sounds like wry neck to me. I've only seen it once or twice in person, but what you're describing sounds very much like it. I've always used brewer's yeast to help, though I think you can get niacin pills as well. I think there's a specific kind you have to get for poultry, though, and I'm not sure which kind that is. I would suggest searching the forums for wry neck treatment. You're sure to find threads with more information than I can provide.
Thank you I will research what you described, does it also make them have spasms? My little guy just had a spas am and got even more hurt as he was trashing around

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