turkey mating duck


10 Years
Mar 17, 2009
Jersey Shore
I saw 2 turkeys chasing my duck and the other day her head was bloody so I ran to intervene. One was standing on her back, mating or trying to, pecking at her head. She is a muscovey so can't even raise a ruckus ( they don't quack ) the other standing by. Obviously the turkeys are going to be dinner sooner than later - I was going to keep one of the 3 now I don't want to.. I am afraid they will be after my chickens next and as they lay my eggs I don't want them harmed. I can't believe the problems with being a "farmer"
My Turkey's went after my Muscovy drake until he had enough and finally turned and fought back. Needless to say it was not a pretty sight. The Muscovy kicked butt and when he latched on, it was all over. I thought he was going to kill the turkey before I could get over and seperate them.
My Silkie roo trys to breed the Muscovys aswell, he gets pretty rough. But when the drake sees him messing with his girls he can kick butt!

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