Turkey Newbie


9 Years
Jul 30, 2010
So I'm trying to get into turkeys now.... Have had a free range flock of chickens for a few years. So far Im set up with all the goodies I believe I need.... Just trying to get the birds lol Have been told different dates, by different guys of when the turkeys are coming in.... Hopefully this coming week. Anyways, was told by a gentleman at our local store that Royal Palms were a bit harder to raise?? They are a little for "Finicky" was his words.
Anyone have any input?
We raised Heritage Turkeys and have in the past had Royal Palms and didn't see any issues with the Heritage ones? Turkeys as babies have special care needs which should be attended to. You need to be extra careful that they are eating and drinking if they are very young.

Presently we are raising Bourbon Reds...... Downsized from 8 to 1 kind of turkey but we do love them so!
Thank you for your insight. Just got my birds today. Which Im happy and worried about. Local store ordered them, and the last two days we have had a huge spring blizzard. So they birds arrived late, 3/4 of the stores order did not survive.... So Im afraid my little turks have a rough start. Got everyone settled in. Drinking really well. Scattered starter crumbles on paper towels, we are pickin at it.... just don't seem Overly indulging in it yet....

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