Turkey Pictures


In the Brooder
11 Years
Oct 15, 2008
Since it seems like I take pictures of the turkeys every day, I thought I'd share them with some who appreciate it:



Beautiful Narri's! How old are they?

Edited to add, just looked again, is that a Bourbon Red hiding in the back? And what is the one on the roof, a Bronze? Hard for me to tell with the lighting...
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They're all Narragansetts, except one bourbon red in the mix. The older two...who both survived (barely) a racoon attack in the spring are a little over six months old. The youngsters were born around the first part of July. I'm hoping that there are a couple of hens in that group...but it's still hard to tell.
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LOL! How cool! Pretty birds! My four bourbon girls have figured out how to fly up on the roof of the house too and Greg just hates it but I keep telling him that if their mother is any indication of flight patterns they'll be too fat to fly that high in just another month or so.
That's pretty much why I took the picture. My parents were visiting, so we were a bit late putting the turkeys back in their coop....this is where we found them.
Needless to say, we're much more mindful of the time now

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