Turkey poult with swollen eye/face.


Jul 27, 2023

I have two turkey poults, one male and one female (I think). I don't know their exact age. At night, they sleep in a shed with straw on the floor. During the day, I carry them out to a shaded run. I feed them game bird food. They have no direct interaction with my chickens and ducks. (They can see each other, and, I guess, breathe the same air, but they can't touch one another). The chickens and ducks were here first, so they have been all over the yard, but since the turkeys have arrived, they've had no access to their space.

Today, while carrying my female poult to her run, I noticed that one side of her face was completely swollen to the point that she couldn't see out of her eye. (When I gave her her mealworms, she was as interested in them as usual, but struggled to find them). However, otherwise, she has no symptoms of any kind. No coughing, mucus, wheezing. No diarrhea, bright yellow or otherwise. And, as far as I can tell, a normal appetite. The other poult she lives with is completely fine with no symptoms at all.

I am looking for advice on how to treat her at home, or whether I should cull her to spare her suffering or save my other poultry from catching something fatal.

Thank you.


  • 20230727_153555.jpg
    487 KB · Views: 48
It looks like she may have early signs of mycoplasma gallisepticum, a chronic respiratory disease. Symptoms can include bubbles or foam in one eye, swelling of the face, sinus infection. Additional symptoms may be nasal drainages rales or crackles during breathing, and sneezing. It is a contagious lifetime disease that is carried by other poultry, wild birds, and can be transferred through hatching eggs. It is more severe in turkeys than chickens. Symptoms may be treated with antibiotics such as Tylosin powder in the water and Denagard. Here is a link for Tylosin, and you could get it from a vet more quickly:

Here is some reading :

https://www.merckvetmanual.com/poultry/mycoplasmosis/mycoplasma-gallisepticum-infection-in-poultry#:~:text=Mycoplasma gallisepticum causes respiratory infections,generally more severe in turkeys.

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