Turkey poults constantly crying


In the Brooder
7 Years
Aug 17, 2012
Yuba City, CA
My turkey poult (1 week old) has imprinted on me and is constantly peeping when I'm not in sight. It just paces the walls of the brooder all day and night crying to be held. Is there anything I can do to get it to stop? I've tried stuffed animals, making it warmer and cooler and some other things but I guess nothing is as good as making a nest in my hair. Will this little guy do any damage to itself by running around all night crying? It seems like it never sleeps unless its in my hands.
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Ha nice. Too funny mike. Are they other chicks in there with the poults Cruz I do know turkeys really want friends of their own kind with them. The chicks act totally different then a poult would.

Is it still crying? I suspect it's not going to hurt itself if it hasn't already. I think it will do better as it ages.

I only have one turkey poult that is about a month old, so I don't know much about their behavior quirks. I hope somebody with more experience gets back to you.

Did you hatch the poult? Mine was shipped with chicks. It doesn't seem imprinted on anything--it isn't afraid of me but doesn't seem overly interested in me either. I've got it with three silkies and a houdan, I can't say that I've seen much to make me think the turkey thinks it's a chick or knows it's different.
I have 3 midgets~1month old,Took them away from the chicks they were with as starting to tramp on them & afraid of chicks getting injured as the chicks were starting to be afraid of the turkeys. BUT the turkeys have been raising a temper tantrum for two days now throwing around their feed dishes & dumping waterer just to be brats.......And wanting their chicks back by calling everytime they hear the chicks........My first experience with turkeys-so apparently they are smart enough to bond with other animals........
He still cries all night, definitely not as loud as usual but he has his good days and his bad. I night him at a feed store at the same time I got the chicks he's with, they have actually started acting more like a turkey than chickens.. But I can't take them away from him because as soon as he's not around they start crying constantly. It's a vicious circle:/
I got two turkey poults with an order of chicks. One of the poults died soon after arrival, so the survivor has been living with the chicks. They are now 5-weeks old. My turkey lives with three silkie chicks and one houdan chick. I've never gotten any impression that the poult would harm (intentionally or not) the itty-bitty silkie chicks, and mine's a Broad Breasted White, so s/he's already almost as big as a leghorn. Maybe the BBW is not as active as a Midget White? Maybe since it's just one turkey there's less danger to the chicks?

Chelsea1455, so you're brooding inside? I don't want to assume anything, but are you responding to the cries? I'm thinking that, like crate-training a puppy, you need to leave or otherwise not acknowledge the cries.

Mine doesn't seem to cry much. It's constantly talking, much more than any chicken I've ever had. It's nothing that alarms me, but it might start driving me nuts if they were brooding inside. Schr-schr-schr ch-ch-ch... you know, like the sounds hunters use to call in turkeys.

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