Turkey "runt"


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 29, 2013
Moore, Ok
Has anyone ever heard of a turkey that is a "runt"? I cant find anything on google about turkey "runts" but I had three Red Bourbon turkeys hatch on 05/04/14 and they all started out the same size. They are now about 5 weeks and one is about 1/3 te size of the two turkeys. Has anyone heard of this. I have never seen any fighting and they are in a brooder in our home and I do a lot of bird watching also. :) I will also take a pic tonight and post othe difference there is with these turkeys.
You can get a 'runt' in any animal that multiple births, as the term 'runt' merely means one that is smaller and weaker than its siblings....so yes, sounds like your turkey is a runt. As long as it is otherwise happy, healthy and behaving normally, I wouldn't worry too much but you could always supplement its feeding with added protein to give it a boost.
I really want to see the pictures on this one.

Do you know 100% these are all tukeys and have you raised turkeys before?

I only ask because a little voice in my head is saying that you might have a guinea among the mix.
I have never raised turkeys myself but the eggs all looked exactly the same, he looks just like them but smaller. I was suppose to post pics last night but for sure will tonight
Yes he is very happy, just runs with the big ones like nothings wrong. :) but thatnk you very much for the info. I assumed runts were possible but I have never heard of a "runt" bird before.
Can't see his head and feet clearly, but if the feet are a bright orange then it's a guinea. I can't see enough here to make a good guess, I can't even see it's snood.

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