Turkey Talk for 2014

Funny question but anyone ever had a chicken thinks he's a turkey? I have a roo that was hatched with my turkeys that runs with them and mounts them when there laying down???? Bantam at that...

I have a duck that was raised with a turkey and now is dancing for our tom. The tom just looks at him and walks away.The duck will even lay down in front of him but runs from the other ducks.
My DD#2 said something to me about letting my hen hatch some turkey poults for me like " y'all are going to make those birds have a complex about who or what they are".
My DD#2 said something to me about letting my hen hatch some turkey poults for me like " y'all are going to make those birds have a complex about who or what they are". :gig
He was the only chick hatched with or just prior to two turkeys... He was in with a couple older chicks for a week but once Turks hatched that's all he was with till big coop... It actually helped turkeys drink and eat and change through environments better so I left him cuz he integrated well and still clucks at food and turkeys come running...
Funny question but anyone ever had a chicken thinks he's a turkey? I have a roo that was hatched with my turkeys that runs with them and mounts them when there laying down???? Bantam at that...
I have a turkey who thinks she's a chicken, but not the other way around. I'm sure she also thinks she's a dog since she doesn't mind wearing a dog harness & leash. :S




I bought 1 Male Bourbon Red and 1 Black Spanish hen as day old poults ... I'm starting to worry she's a he. Anyone mind helping me out and telling me if I'm unfortunately right? I'm new to turkeys if you can't already tell lol (a little bit of info is "she" fights with my male bourbon red when I let them free range and "she" also displays her feathers, fanning the tail feathers & drooping the wings. Not sure what it's actually called)

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