Turkey thief caught in the act!

Am I the only chicken-owner here who thinks a chicken is not worth shooting someone over ? Is it really a capital offense? Even with trespassing? Not to me.
No it is not worth shooting a human over a chicken. I think that you know better than that. But on the other hand neither is it OK or natural to lay down and allow a mentally deranged person to attack, rape, kill, and/or dismember innocent individuals. In that situation the responses employing either a baseball bat or a Beretta would be within reason.

A stinkin chicken isn't worth killing someone over.
I have a fence & locked gate around my place so obviously you're isn't welcome to enter my property and snoop around in the middle of the night or any other time. On the outside of my fence you are not a threat; on the inside of my fence with unknown intentions, especially in the middle of the night, you're a threat. Where I live we are allowed to kill people who are a threat in our home and even on our property.
If you get shot sneaking around my place it's your fault, not mine. You're responsible for your decision to breach my clearly defined perimeter and put your own life at risk, not me.
A stinkin chicken isn't worth killing someone over.
I have a fence & locked gate around my place so obviously you're isn't welcome to enter my property and snoop around in the middle of the night or any other time. On the outside of my fence you are not a threat; on the inside of my fence with unknown intentions, especially in the middle of the night, you're a threat. Where I live we are allowed to kill people who are a threat in our home and even on our property.
If you get shot sneaking around my place it's your fault, not mine. You're responsible for your decision to breach my clearly defined perimeter and put your own life at risk, not me.

How funny it is people getting upset at shooting someone in their yard but yet do you want to take the chance and find out if the thief or trespasser is really lost or out to do damage and grieves bodily harm well not me I don't think I am going to let some crack-head take the first shot no and that is why I paid $10,000 dollars to put up a fence around my property to keep the garbage from blowing in and I am not that young soldier under orders to allow the other guy to fire first no I am not and the funny thing is in over 10 years overseas in service to this country I wont come back home and have a worse security system and the freedom to relax in my own yard I figure my yard as long as I pay Taxes and make the payments it's mine and to take a life will how stupid is it to give up a life just to steel or put someone's life in danger ...

Now I don't think anyone is proclaiming to sit on the front porch and wait for someone to step on your property so they can have a fulfilling day no I do not believe that at all and after you have had enough stolen or had someone terrify you at your home where you should be safe could a person understand the meaning of safety ...

ChickenLegs13, I totally understand where you are coming from and agree with you 100%

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Generally somebody that's lost, broke down, out of gas or has any business there goes to the front door and knocks (instead of lurking about) which greatly decreases his chances of getting shot.
Living in a Castle Law state doesn't give us free season to cull the gene pool. We're still held responsible by the police, DA and Grand Jury if we make the decison to pull the trigger.
He has not been back. Motion detector lights haven't come on. Turkey Lurkey has slept inside her coop ever since the incident. I do not think the man sounded drunk or was a stalker. I think he was out in his truck, probably on meth, looking in trash cans and for discarded curb items. Saw my Turkey, grabbed her off the top of the coop, was amazed because he never saw a turkey, chased her around with his iphone, got busted by me, will not be back. The End. Hopefully he will purchase turkeys at the store next time!
Wednesday night I awoke to the sound of my one year old Turkey Screaming. I moved in here in February and my house came with 3 chickens and one turkey. They had been abandoned for several months and the coop was disgusting and dirty. I cleaned the coop and set up the yard. They have never slept in the coop, plus the coop is not secure, there are several ways out. Since I have a 10 ft fence around the perimeter I have always considered the yard safe. All the birds sleep on top of the coop and only use the coop when it rains or to lay eggs.
I heard her screaming and flapping, I jumped out of bed in a skimpy night set, unlocked my gate and caught a man chasing my bird around. I figured he grabbed her off the chicken coop. He saw me and said he was only trying to take a picture because he never saw one that close up. Turkey was wheezing and hyperventalating, running in circles. As I approached her she sat down and allowed me to pick her up and bring her in.
is it possible to retrain my birdies to sleep in their coop at night?
I grew up in Arizona and I'm sure the laws haven't changed so much that you couldn't have legally shot that fool. My birds are all right outside my bedroom window so I can hear them if anything, or anybody, gets in I'm going to hear them. As for getting your birds in the coop to sleep at night, if you can get them to follow you for treats you can get them in that way and shut the door. After a while they should start going in on their own. But next time some a-hole trys to go after one of your birds make sure you take more than a flashlight!!
I reported it to the police but a very ignorant angry Tucson police officer called me back and said it is a class one misdemeanor to own a turkey. She said my neighbors would surly report me. Lame! I didn't argue with her. I told her I would get rid of her. Turkey Lurkey is broody and doesn't make too much noise. And the staff at the feed store told me the laws. I have little tolerance for either arguing or ignorance! Since the incident Lurkey has been sleeping in the coop. Thank goodness she is broody.
and I sleep in sweats with my taser close by.
Good for you!! Just make sure it's fully charged! LOL!

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