Turkey thief caught in the act!

We too found a thief a while ago. She was stealing our guinea eggs in the dead of night, right from under the guinea hens.
We went outside because we saw her flashlight. We called the sheriff. He asked her what she was doing. She carried a wire basket for the eggs. The basket had 1" openings.
Guess what her answer was:
Why officer. I was doing no harm. I was collecting night crawlers! (Night crawlers are earth worms)
Yeah right, earth worms in a wire basket?
The officer was so angry over that stupid lie, he told her he was hauling her a-- straight to jail. Can you imagine?
We too found a thief a while ago. She was stealing our guinea eggs in the dead of night, right from under the guinea hens.
We went outside because we saw her flashlight. We called the sheriff. He asked her what she was doing. She carried a wire basket for the eggs. The basket had 1" openings.
Guess what her answer was:
Why officer. I was doing no harm. I was collecting night crawlers! (Night crawlers are earth worms)
Yeah right, earth worms in a wire basket?
The officer was so angry over that stupid lie, he told her he was hauling her a-- straight to jail. Can you imagine?


Some people
You should never go out of the house when you hear a commotion with out being prepared! That being said I hope that you would never shoot anyone over a turkey or any piece of property that can be replaced. What if it were a prank or someone that is not quite right in the mind. Someone deserves to live to redeem themselves after making foolish choices like that even if it's not right. Now someone entering your home or trying to take your kids out of the yard, different story!!!!!!!!
This man has been watching "STALKING" your house for a while. This is not a first time accidental passer by. You need to make sure that the police are aware that there is a male stalker in the neighborhood. You need to describe him and his vehicle as closely as you possibly can. His next victim may not be a turkey.
As to getting your foul to roost at night inside their coop. If you fix the coop so that they can not get out - - - then put them in there for about 6 or 7 days - feed and water them in their coop. After that you shoud be able to let them out and they will return at night to roost. Make sure they have comfortable, high roosts. Mine are loose on 8 acres and they had to be retrained at one point.
Glad neither you nor your turkey were hurt. I wonder if the guy was drunk? Or on drugs? Trying to take a picture of a turkey in the dark? Pretty lame and HIGHLYunlikely to be his real reason for grabbing something that doesn't belong to him.

Please keep yourself safe. No bird is worth a broken leg running to save it...or something worse, much worse.
Welcome to dealing with TPD. I live on the South Side and the ranch I am working on had a similar situation. They did get through and the operator they told her that there were no available officers to respond. She hung up and called back 20 minutes later and told them that they didn't have to send anyone that she took care of it and if anyone calls to report gun shots in the area it was her or a missing person that's 5'8" around 190 lbs it may have been the person who trespassed on her property and was stealing/killing her ducks and she then hung up. 10 minutes later 4 units showed up and they took custody of the thief. I wasn't there to see this but the owner swears to this story. I'm just glad you weren't hurt.
At NIGHT he noticed the turkey, climbed onto somebody else's property, and chased the turkey? Yeah, I'm sure it was a photo he wanted... I hope you have secure locks on YOUR doors and windows, too. Maybe it's time for a large pet dog (as early warning and deterrence, not defense.)
If your neighbors come into your yard, you need to POST SIGNS that say "Posted--No Trespassing." After that, keep a camera handy on the windowsill, and take a photo of them, and call police.

To avert the necessity, you might send them a flier (not in mailbox--that's illegal) that says that due to issues with trespassers, your yard is now posted and trespassers will be prosecuted, regardless of who they are, or their ages. Sending it by certified mail, signature required, could be both fun and effective.
get a game camera.
"Once you catch them in your yard, take the photos to the police department and have them served for trespassing and uh--vandalism? There's gotta be a law against bothering someone's livestock."

If land isn't PROPERLY POSTED, it's not trespassing, legally.

I'm in the city, so some of the laws will be different (not the posting, though...) Our coops are required to be a certain distance from any property line. Check your ordinances.
I know it's not safe, but I have to LOVE another woman who will run outside, no matter how she is dressed, to protect her dependent animals! I don't like guns either, and I agree the person could have been mentally disabled (and that is the ONLY bonafide reason they shouldn't be shot!) but a taser or oak baseball bat is a great deterrent to repeat, if you find the person IS mentally capable! Why should I give a second chance to somebody who obviously has intent to harm my innocent pets, if the aren't mentally compromised? And no, alcohol DOESN'T count as mental illness in my book! A couple of good whacks to the extremities won't kill them, but they'll still remember them in the morning...

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