Turkey thinks they are quail.


6 Years
Feb 23, 2018
St. Robert MO
So my two turkeys I've had in with my older quail. They've been getting along very well, but my quail will be going outside tomorrow. Are my turkeys going to get sad about this? I tried separating them before and my turkey cried all night even though they were in the same room. The quail coop doesn't have electricity running to it or I would set a heat lamp in there for them. If not the mess on the floor... Cleaning day is Saturday lol
Turkeys are goofy and will bond with other species so it's best you separate them now or else you could have troubles down the road with them trying to be quail which won't end well for your quail.

Expect lots of complaints from your poults as they hate change. Last year when I moved my poults to a larger brooder they all stood in the corner like goofs for about 2 days, they wouldn't lay down to sleep, and the peeping was loud and consistent. They eventually adjusted.

Any new situation to a young turkey can cause them to complain.
Turkeys are goofy and will bond with other species
One person I know left her turkeys with a friend for the summer. She was really unhappy when she got them back because her turkey hen had "fallen in love" with a goat at the friend's farm and didn't want anything to do with her tom.
One person I know left her turkeys with a friend for the summer. She was really unhappy when she got them back because her turkey hen had "fallen in love" with a goat at the friend's farm and didn't want anything to do with her tom.
Now that made me laugh, thanks.
One person I know left her turkeys with a friend for the summer. She was really unhappy when she got them back because her turkey hen had "fallen in love" with a goat at the friend's farm and didn't want anything to do with her tom.
With a goat? I laughed so hard at this!
One person I know left her turkeys with a friend for the summer. She was really unhappy when she got them back because her turkey hen had "fallen in love" with a goat at the friend's farm and didn't want anything to do with her tom.
Lol that's hilarious. At least mine are other birds
Turkeys are goofy and will bond with other species so it's best you separate them now or else you could have troubles down the road with them trying to be quail which won't end well for your quail.

Expect lots of complaints from your poults as they hate change. Last year when I moved my poults to a larger brooder they all stood in the corner like goofs for about 2 days, they wouldn't lay down to sleep, and the peeping was loud and consistent. They eventually adjusted.

Any new situation to a young turkey can cause them to complain.
I'll be trying to move them today XD never build a coop at last minute. One door doesn't want to go on right lol

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