turkeys coughing and nasal discharge

chicken pickin

9 Years
Mar 3, 2012
Hi I just brought home three 2 1/2month old bourbon red turkeys to add to my existing flock. I sent my husband to go pick them up but to make sure to look them over from head to toe to see if any ovious signs of sickness were there . Needless to say he must have glanced at them and said yup there pretty ill take em lol. Im not really laughing:( The turkeys have a horrible cough and snot bubbles coming out their nostrils and crust on the beaks. I immediately started them on tylan 50 and they are in quarentine far from my other flocks. My question is, is Tylan 50 the appropriate med to have them on(its what I had on hand) and also do you all think they will be fine to put with my other birds in a few weeks or is it too risky to put them in even after treatment? Any and all suggestions comments tips advice is welcome. I love all my existing flock members, Id be heart broken if I got them sick.
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I have heard that with Turkeys Mycoplasma G. is very bad. If this is what it is you do not want them to be exposed to the rest of your flock. I do not know how to treat this and with chickens once they have it they have it fior life,. So you do not want to let your birds get this. I just don't know much about turkeys at all though. I just heard this when I did my certification for blood testing.
I have heard that with Turkeys Mycoplasma G. is very bad. If this is what it is you do not want them to be exposed to the rest of your flock. I do not know how to treat this and with chickens once they have it they have it fior life,. So you do not want to let your birds get this. I just don't know much about turkeys at all though. I just heard this when I did my certification for blood testing.

Thank you for responding. Im really nervous to have them here. To me its not worth adding the 3 new ones to possible loose all the rest(25total chickens and turkeys) Im willing to cull and I thought about rehoming but dont want to pass a possible problem to someone else.My husband doesnt want to cull unless we are sure it is something bad. He wants me to look for someone to do a blood test. Do you know how I might find someone to do that. I wonder if the seller would concider taking them back...
Is there a poultry club in your area? Try craigslist in the farm section and advertise for a tester. Try the state thread on BYC and ask if anyone is close to you. Advertise on BYC for a tester. Call your state vet and find a poultry tester. I think the state vets are listed in one of the articles at the top of this emergency section. I hope this helps.
Does anyone else have any advise? Is a respiritory infection something that will always be carried by them?
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I'd call the NH Dept of Agriculture first thing this morning and ask for their advice. You can also try posting the question in Turkeys. Unfortunately I'm not that familiar with turkey illnesses, however they certainly sound like something I would not want to keep.

NH Dept Of Agriculture # 603-271-2404
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