Turkeys first egg


17 Years
Feb 24, 2007
SE Oklahoma....
I guess it caught me by surprise! I don't have anything ready for a nest. The egg has rolled and is almost under the fence. My question is, Do I put something together in there now? Do I move that egg? Will she lay in the same spot? I understand they don't sit until a clutch is layed, And can Tommy stay there?
I am excited to think we may have babies!
just put in the nest and move the egg there the closer to where it was probably the better but she'll figure it out... not sure about the tom but I don't see why not
I guess it caught me by surprise! I don't have anything ready for a nest. The egg has rolled and is almost under the fence. My question is, Do I put something together in there now? Do I move that egg? Will she lay in the same spot? I understand they don't sit until a clutch is layed, And can Tommy stay there?
I am excited to think we may have babies!

The tom needs to be separated once the hen goes broody. The tom will take the sitting hen as an invitation to breed. The result at the best will be broken eggs and at the worst an injured or dead hen.
I found a 55 gal. Barrel and put it in the turkey run. Only the rooat area is covered so I figured she might need some cover. I put grass clippings in it because I had no hay. I moved both eggs in. I sure hope she goes broody!
Another question,we are day 11, and i have 6 eggs. She doesn't seem to be interested. Lays all over the run. Do i leave them and hope she sits or get them now and incubate?
Another question,we are day 11, and i have 6 eggs. She doesn't seem to be interested. Lays all over the run. Do i leave them and hope she sits or get them now and incubate?

There isn't any point in just letting them lay all over the place. You have 2 options. Collect and store them, the recommendation is to not store them longer than 7 to 10 days but there are those of us who have stored them longer. I haven't seen any harm in storing them up to 14 days. Then take the stored batch and put them in the incubator. The other thing to try is to collect them and put them all in the same nest and hope she gets the message. Option #1 has better odds of being successful than option #2.

Good luck.
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