Turkeys in the garden?

Northern chicky

8 Years
Feb 25, 2011
We are looking for some poultry to control pests in the garden that won't eat all of the plants and scratch everything up--will turkeys fit the job description?
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But Randy is right, no. Definitely not.
Mine were ok in the garden except for a few stomped plants... they actually hung out while I was weeding and ate grasshoppers and potato bugs. But the guineas did a great job of pulling up the onion plants right after we planted them.
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Yes Guineas are a delicacy, most compare their meat to pheasant meat.

I raised both pheasants and guineas for meat and I prefere Guinea meat.

Also Guineas are easier to raise (unlike pheasants you can freerange them ) and they destroy more bugs and thicks on their path than any other poultry birds. I doubt if there is a bug Guineas will not eat, but I know several species of bugs chickens will not touch.

However with this gardening with Guineas thing I am sceptical. Friend of mine claims they destroyed her garden.
The popular notion is Guineas do not scratch, but they still may destroy some of your plants.

I think Guineas might be helpful in some gardening situations but one needs to know which plant species can "survive" Guineas without much damage.
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