
Ok thank you. I have 23 eggs in the bator. So after 8 weeks old it would be fine to switch to the 20% gamebird feed? I just want to get it right this time when I got my previous turkeys I messed up and fed them regular chick starter and 2 of the poults legs were messed up. Trying to get everything right this time.
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Just curious here... what could a person add to a lower protein feed to increase the protein?

Whey is the easiest protein additive to find.

It is 30%, I guess it is a good food to feed them? I hope so at $20 for a 50 lb bag.

OUCH, I though t we had the highest feed here. Man oh man that would put a dent in a pocket book fast. I pay 9.82 per 50lb sack of NON-Medicated 28%.

What happens if the protein is not high enough? I have some poults that are dying and I can't figure out why. One by one they get the tremors and end up dying. They eat and drink just fine.

They can die from not having a high enough protein diet. Usually if the protein is not high enough you will have stunted growth,leg problems and not a very good finished weight.

So after 8 weeks old it would be fine to switch to the 20% gamebird feed?

As long as you don't plan to harvest them for this years holidays. With that low of protein they will not grow enough to get any size on them for 1-1.5 years or so.

I just got two turkey chicks yesterday for the first time. I was told that some boiled eggs for them would help with the protein - true?

Most people tell you to fed them boiled eggs for the first day or so to get them to eat. But yes it would help the protein levels..​
I raise mine with the chickens. They're about 6 weeks old now and don't mingle at all. I have to forcibly lock them up with the chickens at night.
Hi Steve in NC,

I don't get by this way too often. I see you elsewhere.
Last year was my first year with poultry. My son's gf ordered chicken chicks and turkey poults. I raised them together and fed them all chick starter, not knowing any different. The poults often had 'dirty beaks' from eating poo. I think, now, that was because they were not getting enough protein.

This year, I have been giving hatching chicks and poults cooked yolk for the first few days before they start pecking at the starter. They wolf it down.

So Calif
Corona~Barb :

Hi Steve in NC,

I don't get by this way too often. I see you elsewhere.
Last year was my first year with poultry. My son's gf ordered chicken chicks and turkey poults. I raised them together and fed them all chick starter, not knowing any different. The poults often had 'dirty beaks' from eating poo. I think, now, that was because they were not getting enough protein.

This year, I have been giving hatching chicks and poults cooked yolk for the first few days before they start pecking at the starter. They wolf it down.

So Calif

Hi Barb,
We start the chicks and poults togther and then seperate them after about a week. The poults stay on the 28% and the chicks go to 19%. After about 2 months or so they can go back together again on the same food.

Hi all,
To an earlier post, we put shiney marbles in the food with the poults along with scattering it everywhere and they will peck at anything shiney and eat by accident....
Once I could not get them to do anything but peck at their light bulb. Had to fix that....

I'm attempting my first hatching of turkey eggs.
I can't believe there are so many different protein levels of feed. I only found 20% chick starter so far -- I also just got some peeps.
How can the commercial grain mills sell the same things for years and have a lower success rate?

Any poult tips are welcome....it has been many years for me raising them.

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