turning eggs

My best hatches are when i dont worry about the eggs. I dont turn as often, i don't candle every day, i don't keep trying to correct the temperature or humidity. I just let them go. I put the eggs in at around 99 degrees in my brinsea. Dont turn for 3 days. On the 4th day i turn. Then i turn again when i remember. usually on day 6. Then turn again whenever. Im so inconsistent with turning. Honestly i dont know if im wrong or not but for me this works. When i turned 3-5 times everyday i would get horrible hatch rates. I just try to be completely numb during the hatching process because my OCD will kick in and ill end up getting a bunch of quitters or late deaths.
Here's the post I referenced. I personally don't know.
Hello, i couldn't find a way to start new thread, I have to ask through this medium, its all about egg turning:
Can eggs be under continuous or constant turning throughout the incubation?

Automatic egg turners seem to continuously turn. My little giant turner rocks back and forth every 4 hrs. From what I've read the purpose has something to do with how the developing embryo has access to the yolk. I am not so sure though about that last part and would love confirmation or correction.

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