Turning this playhouse into a chicken coop


5 Years
Sep 19, 2014
Central West Virginia
We got this old playhouse and figured we could turn in into a chicken coop. It would otherwise just have been burned. As you can see in the pictures, the chickens are already quite fond of it.

I'm not sure which way I want to do this, though. I could take apart the house on top, rebuild it on the ground, and use the remaining wood to make a chicken run, or do it the easy way and close in the bottom part, make a ramp into the house for a warm place to roost, and close in the windows and doors with mesh. Oh, and fix the stairs/build a new set so I can get in there and clean!
I'm starting to get some rough sketches of plans, any tips or advice on this project?
Thanks :)
I would take the easy route. Shore up the legs on the bottom, mesh it in, and build a ramp through the floor of the coop down to the run (using a zig-zag with 2 ramps versus a steep single ramp)

What a find!
Is it structurally sound?
What is your climate?
Putting your location in your profile can really help folks make more viable suggestions.
Last edited:
Is it structurally sound?
What is your climate?
Putting your location in your profile can really help folks make more viable suggestions.
I'm in the northern Appalachian mountains, it's usually rainy and humid through most of summer, but highs don't usually get above 95F, and averages in july-august are around 82-87F (usually). The chickens are allowed to roam freely in the summer, however. In the winter, it's pretty bitter, but there are certainly worse. Last winter, it was -12 F at the coldest (-20F windchill) and 2 feet of snow at the highest. Since they are primarily free-roaming in the summer, this is mainly a winter shelter
It could use some reinforcing, but it can hold a 110 pound adult and a 180 pound adult at the same time.
Hope the additional details are useful :)
Even if you're dancing? lol seriously get up there and jump around, those legs look a bit degraded, might just be cosmetic tho.

lol I wiggled around a good bit, we were testing the stability. The thing is 18 years old, but it's been repaired, and I'll be adding some extra support on it as well. It doesn't wobble or shake so that's a good thing.

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