Turtle help

nothing wrong with that..i have gotten some decent stuff myself. we got a "non working" deep freeze that was practically new and is still working.
Shes asking for help. jeez

Have you tried different foods like raw hamburger meat or chicken livers.?
Mine love them !
Turtles are not cheap.
I have invested alot of money into my "free" turtles.

Their UVB bulb is 30 bucks and it needs to be replaced every 6 months for the 5.0 and once a year for the 10.0
The florescent fixture to light the bulb is like another 30 depending on the length.
The clamp lamp for the heat bulb is 17 because i went with zoo med's lamp with the ceramic end because the clamp lamps with the plastic switch that you get at the hardware store eventually melt.
I have no gravel in with my turtles because they can accidentally eat some and become impacted.
As for their diet i give them Reptomin turtle sticks, Omega One turtle pellets, Zoo Med turtle pellets, Hikari Cichlid Excel pellets, freeze dried krill, and frozen aquatic turtle diet from SFB.
They also get live plants like anacharis and duckweed and in the spring and summer, water lettuce and parrot feather.
You also want to provide 10 gallons PER inch of turtle. The water level needs to be as deep as the turtle is long.
I had turtles for about 10 years-2 of 'em. I just used a light like you would use for baby chicks, only not a heat bulb, just a regular one. We used a submersible heater in their water and made sure that they had easy access to a basking location. We always used guppies in our tanks to encourage natural hunting behavior and exercise. Maybe he is just noticing the temperature change. We always can find flys in the garage or sheds that are hybernating from the cold weather...try to grab some of those, take off one of the wings, and put them in the water. Alive...they'll attract the turtle and are high in protein!!
Like others have stated try some live foods like crickets (With back legs removed), meal worms, earth worms, live fish like guppies, even some chicken liver (small enough pieces for him to eat). Also do you have a lamp with UVB and UVA rays ( this helps them absorb nutrients), may also be that he knows it winter and his metabolism has slowed my leopard geckos do this during the winter so I feed less often.
I hate the places that sell those guys w/o a care sheet or anything, they grow to be dinner plate size and tend to try to reduce activity in winter due partially to photo period -


he needs a huge tank by the time he's adult, most people end up dumping them outside. (here in FL) Especially as thye need more and more frequent tank changes as they get too large for thier tank.


here are two good sheets. how large is this poor baby, sounds like you are really tring to make everything wonderful for 'him'
It is in a pseudo hibernation, mine are doing the same thing.
All turtles go through this and you can stop it but it isnt healty for the turtle.

Best thing to do is increase the daylight hours, warm up its tank and the turtle will start eating again. Personally I would let it go through its hibernation it will only last a short time and it is benificial to the turtles health.
remember live crickets, meats etc will foul the tank quickly, be sure to remove any uneaten product for the tank.

You can put a filer on any turtle tank to cut down on a lot of the cleaning.
I run a 350 ga pond filter,( flugal puts out a great one) on the indoor pond and a whisper 20 (amended to reach the bottom of the tank) on the 10 gallon with the young turtles in it.
clean water is essential and all the water changes and cleaning can be down right frustrating and time consuming.
Your turtle will be happier with a filter and you will be happier with the extra time to do other things.

Yellow bellys are nice turtles I have those in with the red ears.
Most fo the turtles here are dump offs, turtles to big for owners to handle, I hate the " aww its so cute when tiny but the minute they get over 6 inches they want them gone.

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