tv and children*rant*

During the week when school is in session the kids rarely watch tv and I never even turn the thing on during the day while they're gone. Hubby and I enjoy a few shows during the week in the evening though. I also let the kids choose a show or a movie to watch on the weekends and then it's off to do something else. I don't mind a little entertainment but hours and hours of mindless spoon-fed nonsense is not good for children or adults. In some ways TV can be a good stepping stone to imaginative playtime. I remember watching Star Trek or Lost in Space when I was a kid and then playing those adventures with my brother. My kids do the same thing. They pretend they're the Scooby doo gang and go in search of a good mystery.
I got rid of my cable 6 years ago and it was the best thing I ever did! (Although sometimes I think I should get rid of my internet too
OK, Go outside and follow the "cable" to the connection box that changes it from the "outside" cable to the "house" cable. open the box and disconnect the cable there.
If they spend as much time in front of the tube as you say, they are probably too dumb by now to figure it out.

After a few days with no TV, I promise they will find other things to do. Just be prepared with fun plans, like hiking, swimming, fishing etc... before you sping into action.
TV in small doses is OK, but kids shouldn't watch too much of it. We just don't have time for video games and TV. The kids have sports and scouts 4 evenings a week, and after homework and dinner, there just isn't time. Keep 'em busy!
I can't imagine anyone sitting still that long, much less in front of a tv for that many hours in a day. That's basically all their waking hours. Scary. I have been feeling bad about the fact that I watch tv more than a couple of nights a week lately.
My suggestion is to invite your mom and siblings out to do something with you once a week. Go get ice cream, feed the ducks at the park, have the kids over to your place to feed the chickens, anything to get them out to see there is a world outside the tv set. Buy them books for Christmas. Those kids need help, and fair or not, you might be the only one to step in and help them.
Growing up I watched mostly animal shows(still do) and we spent a lot of time in the woods behind our house and down the street. We also played video games, mostly at night. Now, I hardly watch tv at all. Sometimes it will be month or more before I turn the tv on. Other times I will watch a couple of hours at night. I do have a Wii and like to play that. It is the same thing, sometimes I won't touch it for weeks on end. My cousin was addicted to video games until the last few years. Now he has graduated collage and works in a test kitchen trying out recipes.
We had like, 6 channels when I was a kid, and the cartoons were pretty much limited to Saturday mornings. We had 5 acres to live on, surrounded by lots of things to explore, so we didn't watch much TV. Whenever mom thought we were sitting in front of it too long, she would tell us we looked bored and give us more chores to do.
tv is a part of our lives it influences us in all different ways. now adays the things on tv are all wrong not right for children. my young siblings watch atleast 10 hours of tv a day. it makes me mad because its not good for them to sit in front of that box doing nothing productive.

Only if you let it. Axed our service about a year ago, more time now to do other things, we borrow or rent some videos and buy a few documentry types and have money left over from what TV was costing.

More time now for cooking, gardening, reading, chickens, projets and other stuff, also food and junk expendatures have gone down a little. Actually life is less boring without TV as people actually get engaged in doing stuff and learn to occupie them selves.​

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