Twin chicken development

The chick hatched this morning. Its looks healthy but tweets loudly more than the previous chick did, who is doing very well. They are both in a brooder now and I am waiting for a sign from the twins and the last egg.
Another update:

Both chicks are doing well. The second chick was very sticky and its feathers were not fluffing up so I rinsed it in a bowl of water at 37c and dried it with a hair dryer and it looks much better and seems happier/crying less.

I candled the eggs again. I believe the single egg may have died, but will leave it in the incubator for a few more days. It was very active in the days before hatch day.

The twins are still alive and one has penetrated the air cell and can be seen breathing! It doesnt appear to have grown anymore however. Might see some action from then soon!!!
Another update:

Both chicks are doing well. The second chick was very sticky and its feathers were not fluffing up so I rinsed it in a bowl of water at 37c and dried it with a hair dryer and it looks much better and seems happier/crying less.

I candled the eggs again. I believe the single egg may have died, but will leave it in the incubator for a few more days. It was very active in the days before hatch day.

The twins are still alive and one has penetrated the air cell and can be seen breathing! It doesnt appear to have grown anymore however. Might see some action from then soon!!!

Double yolk eggs often do not contain enough nutrition for two developing chicks; a possible reason for lack of growth. Good luck.
I candled the twins this morning and theres still life, so I have pipped the egg near the beak in the air sac and it has been tweeting! Im wetting the membrane every couple hours. Does anybody know when I should begin to try and get them out? I don't think they wohld have enough room to zip themselves out. Also, how would I go about trying to save the other chick? So far I can only locate the one chick who has pierced the membrane.
Actually, I think this chick is not positioned properly. I was just looking at that guide again which said to remove a small section off shell and oiter membrane until you can see the beak. I had broke the shell and outer membrane but didnt locate the beak. I have just had another go at finsing the beak by removing alittle more shell and I cannot find it. I can see a small area where the inner membrane was pierced and had a few pieces of fur hanging out, but the beak isn't there. I can see movement behind which I guess is the wing. I am completly stumped on what to do or how the chick is positioned. Its strange because when I candled the egg I could clearly see that the beak had penetrated the air cell but it now looks like it has moved since
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If the membrane is bright white and the veins filled with blood, it is too soon for the chicks to hatch. If the chicks even start to zip before assisting your chances of the chicks surviving is much better.
Thank you for everbodys help so far.

The membrane still has lots of vessles with blood in them so I wont be able to look at anything more than I can see from the surface. Just so that everybody is clear of what I am talking about, I have attached a picture of the egg. You can see a piece of fur hanging out from the punctured membrane and the darker circular area is where the movement and sound is coming from.
Thank you for everbodys help so far.

The membrane still has lots of vessles with blood in them so I wont be able to look at anything more than I can see from the surface. Just so that everybody is clear of what I am talking about, I have attached a picture of the egg. You can see a piece of fur hanging out from the punctured membrane and the darker circular area is where the movement and sound is coming from.
I do not see a paper white membrane and veins filled with blood. I would encourage you to look at pictures of chicks hatching and compare those membranes to this one. Is this the double yolk egg-the twins? This membrane looks like one where the chick is ready to hatch, BUT PICTURES ARE DECEIVING. Do some comparing and you need to do it quick.

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