Twin Chicks Double yolk

The first 6 yes but not the twins. The first group of twins didn't make it this is part of the second group
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Your cochin may very well be pure cochin. Quite frequently birds not bred to standard will have off color feathers because they have not been bred not to have them. After having the other eggs hatch in your incubator, I would think of having a make-shift way to clean out the incubator a little. The bacteria from the other eggs hatching may kill the other eggs otherwise.
We wrapped the only egg in a warm damp cloth and I took 10 minutes to speed clean it. Hatching is dirty business :)
The twins didn't make it. I did crack the egg. One was bantam size and the other was larger but noir formed properly. I am discouraged butI am willing to try again in the spring (or if I find the perfect double). When I do I will be posting on this thread. Thanks for the encouraging words and the wonderful advice.
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Oh, Momma, I'm so sorry. But I'm happy to hear that you will try again in the spring. We were a rapt audience with you every step of the way and will be there again in the spring. Thanks for sharing with us
The twins didn't make it. I did crack the egg. One was bantam size and the other was larger but noir formed properly. I am discouraged butI am willing to try again in the spring (or if I find the perfect double). When I do I will be posting on this thread. Thanks for the encouraging words and the wonderful advice.
Hi I just got an update and learned of the twin saga.
I do hope you'll post again, if it's not too hard on you to keep trying with the double yolks.
Can you get a splash from a Cochin RiR mix? I thought it looked a lot like my silkie splash but didn't think I could get one from the 2
Probably not a splash unless they each supplied one recessive "blue" gene: two blues = splash.
If that was the case then each parent would look "blue" from one "blue" gene.

If it is a white bird with black and red streaks, it is considered a leaky white; there may be other ways to reference that color.
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I am currently hatching eggs, duck eggs, that is not far from hatching. anyways I went out to the chicken coop today to get eggs and saw this huge egg, a double yolker, from one of my hens. The mother is most likely my barred rock, big momma, and the father is my frizzle if fertile.
Rooster Rodney

The egg

And a regular egg

I'm going to try incubating the double and three regular eggs. Hopefully this will work :) although the singles are probably fertile so I will most likely get some chicks.

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