
I just candled them again to mark the air sack. One of them is dark inside, but i dont see the baby moving (maybe too dark?) But then i turned the egg while marking the sack,the black inside moved with the egg. Could it possibly be a dead embryo if i couldnt really see the baby? Im new to this, my first hatching.
Hmm. I don't know, my first hatch also. Mine looks questionable too but I'm leaving it to just in case it's ok. Its so hard to see whats going on. I don't see a blood ring and I smell check everyday. I'd try to guess the "due date" from the earlier candling, when you could see the development a little clearer. If they're not muscovy(the male would be huge) then it should hatch day 26-28. Maybe a day later. As long as it doesn't stink or interfere with other eggs potential, keep cookin!
If they do make it to hatch time, they're not likely to survive so I'd focus on the others and just do what you can for the odd-ball. I'm going to try and save mine if they make it that far!
Hello! Ive just candled my duck eggs and there is 2 embryos! Just wondering what do i expect when the twins hatch? Survival rates? Thank you!
I have twins too! I’ve been keeping a close eye on them. They are at day 9. I’ve attached a pic from day 7 candling. Please keep us updated. I’d love to know if any have had twins survive!


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Im really worried they wont make it. They are moving around a lot when candled. But im also not 100% sure how far along my ducks are. When i got them last saturday, mama dick was already incubating so im guessing when i got them on saturday they were somewhere around day 10 because there were a lot of very visible veins and the embryos are pretty visible and active. Im not sure when theyre supposed to hatch and without knowing 100% idk when to go into lockdown!i have some eggs that look less progressed than the others. I can try to upload a photo and see if anyone could help me identify around where they are in the incubation process.
maybe make a modified egg expansion-paper mache??

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