Twisted leg on chick, need advice!

Lori J

5 Years
Jun 18, 2017
Chick hatched yesterday and his leg is slightly twisted and will not straighten, at least not easily. I have not tried to force it, of course. I’m not sure if he was born this way or this is an injury because I had to move the incubator due to a power outage yesterday, immediately after he hatched and as some others were hatching. As you can see the joint there seems swollen. Any advice on what to do with this otherwise healthy and happy chick?


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No it was clean. Do dirty eggs cause it?
I was assuming so with Kai, but for all I know, it could of been because of GMOs in the grain. It's really hard to tell, I guess, and all I can do is assume. I'm glad to hear that the eggs are clean. It's actually got me thinking that maybe the dirty eggs wasn't the issue on Kai. I do know, dirty eggs can have an effect on the chicks health, so it is always good to hatch clean eggs, but not washed eggs. :)
I was assuming so with Kai, but for all I know, it could of been because of GMOs in the grain. It's really hard to tell, I guess, and all I can do is assume. I'm glad to hear that the eggs are clean. It's actually got me thinking that maybe the dirty eggs wasn't the issue on Kai. I do know, dirty eggs can have an effect on the chicks health, so it is always good to hatch clean eggs, but not washed eggs. :)
I tried to follow the instructions for repairing a slip tendon but I couldn’t feel a tendon slipping back into place and the chick seemed uncomfortable.
I tried to follow the instructions for repairing a slip tendon but I couldn’t feel a tendon slipping back into place and the chick seemed uncomfortable.
Hm, that's too bad. I couldn't fix Kai either. I had deeply considered removing part of his leg, but was too scared that something would go wrong. I tried finding someone who would have the time to take care of him in his condition, but only found a hen instead. She took care of him until he passed at 3-4 months old. I hope that you can help your chick. Some might suggest culling if you can't help or fix it. I hope that it turns out better for you and the chick. :hugs :hugs

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