Two approximately 12-week-old Wyandotte Chickens. Boys? Girls?


6 Years
Feb 13, 2013
Hey all,

I am very new to the world of keeping chooks. I recently acquired 2 chicks and was wondering if someone can help me identify if they are hens or cockerels, please? They are currently about 12 weeks old. from what I know one is a gold-lace (called Thistle) and the other is a blue-gold-lace (named McFly). I have just noticed a small bump on McFly's head (first photo on the right) which I think is the beginnings of a comb. I live in suburbia and a rooster would not be appreciated by my neighbours and was just wondering if anyone can help me identify, please.

Thistle (left) and McFly (right)



Thanks heaps :)
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I think they are girls.

It isn't so much the appearance of a comb as much as it is the color of the comb. As long as they both have orange or peach colored combs then they are girls...if it is red there is a good chance the one with red is a boy. Because some hens have larger combs than others, so as chicks they will have a large comb bump than the others, but for me it is all about the color.
I also don't see any that is also a good sign..males start growing wattles earlier as well, tiny little flaps at first...where as pullets don't get noticeable wattle flaps until again, they are just about to start laying. So a 3 month old bird with a reddish comb bump, and some red wattle flaps will be a boy...

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