here's my problem... I got some fertile eggs for my broody buff overe the summer, she hatched out 2 chicks and both turned out to be Beautiful Rumpless Roo's! I never really wanted roo's but thought I brought them here so I need to keep them. They are now a little under 6 months old and are not getting along all that well.... they dont fight all the time and today was the second time in about a month I've had to put one in a cage to chill out. one is much larger and clearly thinks he's the boss and all is quiet til the other one decides to crow then the trouble starts and if one goes after a hen the other has to have that hen also. its becoming a problem and I am freaked out to give one away on craigslist ( I tried and turned someone down cause i know he was up to no good). will they get worse? should I get more hens? ( i have 6) HELP