Two BST Changes - Split Chicks / Chickes & Changed Sort Order


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
Two quick changes to BST:

1) We split up the Chicks / Chickens section into two distinct sections:

Chicks 1 day to 8 weeks
Chickens 8 weeks and older

If you see any threads that need to be moved please let us know.

2) We changed the way BST sections are sorted: Starting today, all Buy Sell Trade topics will be sorted by the time of the "Topic Post" and not by "Last Post".
i am a member of another forum that does not alow bumping untill a certin duration of time has passed. 6 hrs to be exact.

I think that would be a MUCH better resolution to the constant upping of posts...but at the same time..still give people the right to bring their topic to the top of the forum in hopes of buying/selling/ or tradeing. It's simple really. Make a new B/S/T thread....from there the user will no longer have the ability up "bump" their thread untill the 6 hours has passed. Then once your thread has the green light..bump! In between the 6 hours...if the thread has a new post within the first 2 hours..the title get's a "BOLD" coloring. This way people know there are new post's in that thread...insted of just searching through the countless pages of threads..looking for recent posts.

Just my 2 cent's...hope some people will agree with me.
The BST section isn't meant to be a place for discussions. In fact, the BYC staff were very close to turning off the ability to reply to any BST threads because of the issues being created on a daily basis with bumping and chatter being posted in them. This new sort order was a great compromise and should have been done years ago.

The BST section is undergoing some really exciting changes that will make it better for the community and easier for the staff to maintain.
Hi Rob! Sheer brilliance! Sort by post time... who finally twigged to that idea?
I had to try it just now and the post didn't move when I replied. Yaay!

In fact, the BYC staff were very close to turning off the ability to reply to any BST threads because of the issues being created on a daily basis with bumping and chatter being posted in them.

That would have been my solution.

The BST section is undergoing some really exciting changes

Drum roll, please...

I agree that sounds like a great solution. Good Job!! I've noticed that there are so many replies to some threads, that the newer ones soon get buried on the next page, so this should keep the most current threads up top. I like it!!
I like the idea of not being able to bump it to keep it fair, but please please dont take the ability to reply.
When I bought a Terrielacy apron, I really enjoyed all the pics that people responded with and the information about size and style, that was important to me in my buying decision. Some people asked questions or made requests that I hadnt thought of.

Edited to add....
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I think the BST section should have time limit. There are tons of pages.

If no update from the seller that the items are taken-sold I think the Mods should delete or close the topic after 30 days. It would definately cut down the number of topics just sitting there.

Maybe the poster could put a still available date in the Title too.... just random thoughts.

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